Thanks for the screen shot. For some reason the .res file is not reaching the server.
It appears you have changed the destination directory, I bet that is what is breaking the upload of the .res file.
set it back to the missres folder.
Changing the destination directory to the .missres folder did fix the problem, I don't recall ever changing it to the misstemp but who knows.
Thanks for the fix HiTech.

Iv'e wasted probably 30 hours of my life on this and give up.
Someone else who knows what they are doing will have to determine whether it works or not.
I can't tell if it's me or the program.
Jimson if you haven't tried this yet this could be the problem for you also. When you open the Uploader there are 2 lines that allow you to choose a file extension. On the one that says
'Destination Directory' make sure that it is set to
C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High\missres. Mine was set to C:\Hitech Creations\Aces High\misstemp for some reason, changing it back to the missres folder solved the blank population screen issue for me.