You know what? None of that bothers me. In fact, some of the best sorties I've had are under that flak curtain.
I have learned to lob eggs from a P-51, and get reasonably close to hitting the CV. Still, the dive bombing tactic is the best way, especially with a plane that dies in ack so easy as the Pony. Getting in to kill it isn't too hard, due to the altitude changes involved.
If you park your CV close to shore, then you deserve to have it killed out from under you. When the curtain is lifted fly accordingly.
The CV's offer mobile airfields, which you can use to advantage without having to brush the coast, but I see nothing wrong with suppressing an airfield with heavy shells and ack. I just wish I knew how to aim those big guns (still a mystery to me). Even that is not too interesting to me, though.
It's all part of the game, guys. Let's learn to adjust to the existing game and move on to having fun again. If, you don't like the fleet, learn to kill it or try to fly somewhere else. Not a problem, really.
13th TAS