Hello Hells Squadron this is Fatal many of us have left aces high for now although some are still in the game we have been flying Cliffs of dover with the team fusion patches and man i cant tell you what a simulation for the battle of Britain. Just watch the videos at our web site
http://twcclan.com/cliffs-of-dover/http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPFnnOuq_MQ&feature=youtu.be if you have good card fast processor and 8 gigs of memory then you guys might like it here The best planes are naturally on the axis side but a good spit fire is hard to beat and if you enjoy tactical flying as i know you guys do you need to look at this.
We fly British and have our planes so marked with the letters TWC and our name on each one.this game is much harder than aces or FA but so rewarding when you start to get the hang of and its free after the initial purchase of 20 bucks. We are going to start our own server soon and are flying the team fusion axis versus allies
in the evenings.100 players and a couple hundred aircraft going in every direction. Huge fights, collisions, friendly fire, no icons you must identify the aircraft, surviving a collision not likely for either pilot,massive damage,real clouds,smoke trails, contrails,complex engine management, maneuvers that work, real physics (planes behave like there is gravity)
Just not enough room to tell you guys all what this does but please check it out ace and I are always in touch so let him know too