Coombz- you obviously have such contempt for Western Civilization and feel that they are victimizing entire Middle East. Why do you not just go live in one of these Middle Eastern countries? This obviously would be utopia for you and you could be quite at home with that anti-colonialism mindset. It is quite a serious question. Or would you prefer to live in nice little New Zealand?
I have contempt for certain types of people, sure...and I'm not fond of recent foreign policy in the Middle East (and we haven't even touched on America being Israel's little b***h yet
), but it is a bit of a stretch to go from there to saying I have contempt for Western Civilization. It is what it is. I recognise that I am very lucky to have been born where I was born, and that a lot of people have been a lot less fortunate, and I don't think on it much more than that.
As for New Zealand, yeah I like it very much so far
But I've only been here since January so who knows. Maybe I'll get fed up with the place or terribly homesick or something.
Coombzy I asked you plain and simple would you be OK with a insurgency blowing up policy station and buses and you say you "sympathise" with them. Most intelligent people will stand next to their convictions, when they state them. You expound your views all over this formum but i have yet to see you not back track when you are put to the screw. Stand by your statement, but then again I guess someone that is OK with innocents being killed in Iraq when a bus is exploded in a crowdeed market in an apttempt to kill 4 troops, isn't very stalwart when it comes to ideal and their convictions. You are not one of the original people from New Zeland and that Island was taken by force sou you are an occupying force no sense in arguing it fact say you are, and you also stated that if the native peoples of your land rose up in rebelion you would be sympathetic to their cause.
I don't think of it as backtracking, I think of it as either debunking ridiculous straw man arguments or dumb a** comments, or in your case, both.
In the past when we were first colonising NZ, sure, I would have been an occupying force. I am not an occupying force now. Trying to draw a parrallel between me living in New Zealand now and potentially making Maori people angry, and military forces occupying Afghanistan or Iraq and making the native people there angry, is absolutely moronic.
Your example of a bus blowing up in a market in an attempt to kill troops and taking out innocents at the same time. I wouldn't be OK with that - I would and do recognise the need for those responsible (or their leaders and comrades) to be stopped to prevent more killings.
All I am saying is that I can understand why they are pissed off enough to want to blow people up. Simple as that.
And I said somewhere (in another thread), that if it was my country that had been invaded and occupied, I would probably be trying to kill people or blow them up as well. Wouldn't you?
I wonder how the folks that issued your Visa would view thta statement?
are you threatening me?