Author Topic: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)  (Read 3024 times)

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #45 on: September 28, 2012, 06:03:06 AM »
Well if you wanna pick it apart & find something to get made about, maybe OK, but ALL my dogs & those of friends & relatives raised around guns would immediately back down when one was intentionally or otherwise pointed in their direction. I always packed an open carry pistol, in the old days, when it was legal, so my dogs knew what the sheriff had on his belt.... not trying to insult your a country person I often think city folk just don't quit get it....but I recognize that's not absolute.  :salute

Shutzhund training requires the opposite.

It's not that my dog doesn't "get it", it is more like she isn't intimidated by it.   

Sort of a desired quality in a personal protection dog.
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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #46 on: September 28, 2012, 02:36:03 PM »
 Its actually pretty easy for me...

Dog threatens me? Dog will die.

Unknown dog on my property? Dog will die.

Dog threatens those who matter to me? Dog will die.

Anyone on this forum don't like my ideas.....bring your dog around and turn it out.....then carry the remains off....if you can find them.

I spent years raising and training setters, pointers, hounds, spaniels.... and I was never idiot enough to believe that a dog wouldn't turn on me if the right circumstances appeared.

Some people here love to think they are experts at everything....they think they actually control an ANIMAL.....

That the difference between myself and some here....I know I can not control an if needed I will kill the animal without  remorse.

In my job I run into dogs on a daily basis. I've been bitten several times thru the years. I've been chased  by dogs for being in the neighborhood. I've had them attacked the tires  on my vehicle.

You know the best part of it all? Listening to the owner explain to a police officer how the dog never-ever-for-any-reason would bother much less attack anyone or anything....that was right before they received the citation, next it was " I don't own that dog".......

Guess that makes me a bad person in the eyes of some here....wanna bet how much sleep I will lose over those ideas?

Offline NaTorino

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #47 on: September 28, 2012, 03:28:22 PM »
Its actually pretty easy for me...

Dog threatens me? Dog will die.

Unknown dog on my property? Dog will die.

Dog threatens those who matter to me? Dog will die.

Anyone on this forum don't like my ideas.....bring your dog around and turn it out.....then carry the remains off....if you can find them.

I spent years raising and training setters, pointers, hounds, spaniels.... and I was never idiot enough to believe that a dog wouldn't turn on me if the right circumstances appeared.

Some people here love to think they are experts at everything....they think they actually control an ANIMAL.....

That the difference between myself and some here....I know I can not control an if needed I will kill the animal without  remorse.

In my job I run into dogs on a daily basis. I've been bitten several times thru the years. I've been chased  by dogs for being in the neighborhood. I've had them attacked the tires  on my vehicle.

You know the best part of it all? Listening to the owner explain to a police officer how the dog never-ever-for-any-reason would bother much less attack anyone or anything....that was right before they received the citation, next it was " I don't own that dog".......

Guess that makes me a bad person in the eyes of some here....wanna bet how much sleep I will lose over those ideas?

is that from grand torino? :aok

Offline VonMessa

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #48 on: September 28, 2012, 03:45:30 PM »

is that from grand torino? :aok

(Image removed from quote.)

It's that interwebz tough guy stuff :aok
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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #49 on: September 28, 2012, 04:44:34 PM »
L.E.O. Killing dogs is not new.. I learned 20 years ago when I was 9..sheriff came to my neighbors house, my neighbor had a female pit name Princess, she was soo playful that even the mailman play with her. I remember my neighbor used to get mad because everytime strangers (salesman and jehova witness etc.) Enter his property Princess would run at them and start licking away, she would even pick up her ball and bring it to so you can play with her... I was on my front yard when a squad car arrived at my neighbors home, 2 deputys walked up to the gate, Princess was there meeting them, she looked so happy wagging her tail... It all happen in the blink of an eye...from outside the gate the deputy reached over the top of the gate and shot princess one time on top of her head...   

Yea I do think that it is OK to kill a dog that is unfriendly.  If a sheriff respond no a noise complaint at your home and you have a dog on your property visible from outside the sheriff will kill dog before entering your front yard to knock on door......   I think about a year ago the FBI began a investigation on the LASD, they even had agents go to jail to see if what all the fuzz was about... I do know this , Cops dont do things they do because they hate people or animals.. Its people that make them act that way. As an adult I learned that my neighbor was on parolled and Princess was trained to attack cops and black that is sad..

Offline Shuffler

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #50 on: September 28, 2012, 05:19:08 PM »
It's that interwebz tough guy stuff :aok

No one messes with me...... if they hit me I'll bleed all over their shoes.
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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #51 on: September 28, 2012, 05:59:49 PM »
Sad that the dog died

and to the "1 pit down" remark - let me just go kill all the black folks because the ghetto is the most dangerous place to live. SMH.

You're a pathetic piece of work. I've raised pits my whole life and not ever has one ever bitten someone. Most of the time I got bullied off the couch by them.
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.


Offline SilverZ06

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #52 on: September 28, 2012, 06:20:36 PM »
Sad that the dog died

and to the "1 pit down" remark - let me just go kill all the black folks because the ghetto is the most dangerous place to live. SMH.

You're a pathetic piece of work. I've raised pits my whole life and not ever has one ever bitten someone. Most of the time I got bullied off the couch by them.

That's a pretty big reach. If you are too stupid to realize the difference between people and animals, that's on you.

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #53 on: September 28, 2012, 06:53:24 PM »
That's a pretty big reach. If you are too stupid to realize the difference between people and animals, that's on you.

Not such a big reach in the ghetto.


Offline morfiend

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #54 on: September 28, 2012, 06:58:54 PM »
 As a dog owner and lover I'd say the cop did what he had to do and I'd do the same to any dog that attacked.  

  However,I dont blame a breed of dog because it could be any "type" of dog that attacked the officer,but it happened to be a "pitt type" dog.

   Someone mentioned you cant shoot the owner,well that might be true but you could and should charge the owner with attempted murder! A trained dog can be as dangerous as a loaded gun,maybe more so because the owner of the gun has to actually use it whereas the dog has a mind of it's own.

  Another person claims to have trained many dogs and then goes on to say he'd shoot any stray on his property,I think that might go too far but I too would do what I needed to to protect those that matter to me.

  I've had dogs all my life,many different breeds and types from working dogs like shepards and dobies to terriers like airedales and bullterriers. My folks bred toy poodles back in the 60's and the meanest most dangerous dog we ever had wasnt the 100lb shepard watching the business,it was the 7lb male poodle we had!  Nothing came on his territory unless he ok'd it.  He had to be put down because he was just to dangerous,all 7 lbs of him.

   For the past 30 years or so I've raised and bred both bullterriers and staffordshire bull terriers,both are considered "Pitt type" dogs,I would have to say they have been among the best dogs I ever had.

   All dogs can and will bite! In 99% of the cases it's the owner not the dog.  I dont think just anyone should own or be able to own any dog,if you breed of choice grows to be above about 30lbs then you should show that you are capable of handleing the animal. Similar to how you should be able to handle a gun if you own one.


Offline betty

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #55 on: September 29, 2012, 12:17:33 AM »
Keep telling yourself that. There are tons and tons of bad owners of other dogs that aren't killing children and mauling people to death. Sure you may have a nice one now, and just like everyone else with one your first line to the reporters/cops will be " But it was such a sweet dog that would never hurt a flea", "I don't know why it bit my kids face off". I am a dog lover and my sister has 3 pits (mixes) and they are sweet dogs, but I would never let them near my son. When pitbulls snap, its brutal. There is something wrong with the breed. They need to be exterminated.

First off genius, pitbulls are NOT a breed, its a mixture of breeds, secondly ANYDOG can attack if not trained right, statistics show that dogs that attack are the ones that spend most of their life tethered to objects in the yard. They lack training and limitations. The canine research council has a ton of info u are welcome to look up if u like about this kind of stuff and im sure u will be surprised to find small dog breeds tend to bite more than larger breeds such as pits, rotties, german shephards, and so on. Pitbulls get bad reps from idiots owning them. My boys are currently in their 2nd week of their canine good citizen training class and once certified by the state of michigan, they will get their training and cert for therapy dogs, after stuka and tank (pitbulls) are done with their CGC then my pitbull foster (soon to be adopted) Zeke and my 9 month old lab/pit pup will take their CGC class and cert also and then onto therapy. I am a HUGE pitbull advocate, i educate the ignorant and misguided about them and i change their minds by education. Too many go by what they hear on the news. Its all negative, you dont hear about the pitbull that pulled her dunk passed out owner of the railroad tracks after she passed out on them. Or the pitbull that followed they young child out of her yard after the ignorant parents werent watching her and the pitty stayed there with the child until she was found safe. Of course you dont hear these stories cuz they arent negative enough. Next time before posting stuff like you did, educate yourself first with facts not false accusations.
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Offline betty

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #56 on: September 29, 2012, 12:59:45 AM »
I keep seeing all these negative posts about pitbulls, and i have to give everyone some advice. Look up the canine research council website. There was a no kill conference in lansing this past weekend and a friend of mine Lori attended, she told me that this is a fantastic place to find all kinds of info that is done by researchers, its all fact based, no he said she said stuff. Educate yourself with this knowledge before judging, millions of pitbulls die every day because of BSL laws and shelter over crowding due to over breeding. If people realized that they can be part of the solution instead of part of the problem there wouldnt be so many dying and we wouldnt have to fight these BSL laws, which btw has 75 different dog breeds on the list including springer spaniels, lab retrievers, golden retrievers, along with rotties, pits, apbt, argentinos, presa de carnarios, german shephards, etc. IF THESE bsl laws are passed in your home towns, they can go from home to home using this list and TAKE your dog without your permission and you CAN NOT stop them. Google it, look up bsl law dog breed list, you will see if your dog is on there, and if you are quick to jump on the "ban the pitbull" bandwagon, it will bring bsl laws, bsl laws will bring that list with it, so think long and hard before you yell "BAN PITBULLS" because it will be a can of worms you wish you hadnt opened up......
~~~The Killuminati~~~                                                     



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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #57 on: September 29, 2012, 10:46:02 AM »
Shutzhund training requires the opposite.

It's not that my dog doesn't "get it", it is more like she isn't intimidated by it.   

Sort of a desired quality in a personal protection dog.
I was walking about 1/4 mile from my house last year with the wife, it was late evening, not quite dark yet, with hardly any warning a large black dog charged us coming out of some bushes. We were on the edge of the road, quite a ways from the sidewalk. The yard was fenced & we had no idea the dog was out. Anyway, I drew my pistol from the startle response and had it pointed down his throat in short order. He slammed on the breaks 3-4 feet from the barrel, turned quickly & retreated. I would have killed him without any hesitation, if he hadn't stopped. The look of realization on his face when he saw the pistol was priceless. Not saying this to "Prove" anything, except perhaps dog vs pistol is not an equal match...He would have been dead, no matter whose dog he was.... :old:
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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #58 on: September 29, 2012, 11:22:23 AM »
First off genius, pitbulls are NOT a breed, its a mixture of breeds, secondly ANYDOG can attack if not trained right, statistics show that dogs that attack are the ones that spend most of their life tethered to objects in the yard. They lack training and limitations. The canine research council has a ton of info u are welcome to look up if u like about this kind of stuff and im sure u will be surprised to find small dog breeds tend to bite more than larger breeds such as pits, rotties, german shephards, and so on. Pitbulls get bad reps from idiots owning them. My boys are currently in their 2nd week of their canine good citizen training class and once certified by the state of michigan, they will get their training and cert for therapy dogs, after stuka and tank (pitbulls) are done with their CGC then my pitbull foster (soon to be adopted) Zeke and my 9 month old lab/pit pup will take their CGC class and cert also and then onto therapy. I am a HUGE pitbull advocate, i educate the ignorant and misguided about them and i change their minds by education. Too many go by what they hear on the news. Its all negative, you dont hear about the pitbull that pulled her dunk passed out owner of the railroad tracks after she passed out on them. Or the pitbull that followed they young child out of her yard after the ignorant parents werent watching her and the pitty stayed there with the child until she was found safe. Of course you dont hear these stories cuz they arent negative enough. Next time before posting stuff like you did, educate yourself first with facts not false accusations.

actually Betty Pittbulls are a breed their real name is The "American Pittbull terrier"  which is almost extinct....your dogs are not APBT's they are "American Staffordshire terriers"....same with 99.99% of all "pitbulls" 

a real American pittbull terrier...would never be over 55 fighting weight they were in the 40 lb range.....what people call pitts today is from breeding APBT years ago for the show ring.....getting bigger dogs and losing the drive to fight...and the Love of people that APBT were known for.....I know some wont except this as truth but it is the truth.....

thats not to say that American Staffordshire are bad dogs.....obviously anyone with half a brain should know the dog is molded by the owner in its upbringing....encourage it to be aggressive to people....well thats what you get....a dog that has a very high tolerance to Pain, that just dont give up......

back when Dog fighting was a suit and tie affair they NEVER allowed an APBT to be a "man fighter" they breed them specifically to love people, and their gameness to fight other APBT's.......

after 50-60 years of breeding other dog breeds into the line...... they are not the same dogs......and should not be called Pittbulls.

<-----real APBTNOT a APBT<----NOT A APBT<------NOT an APBT

these are APBT' modern day one

for those that want to educate themselves this is a very good write up on the history of APBT.....,cntnt01,print,0&cntnt01articleid=13&cntnt01showtemplate=false&cntnt01returnid=61     

I have owned 1 real deal American Pittbull Terrier....She was the only dog I owned that never growled at my kids.....

the American Pittbull terrier was and is the greatest Dog man ever made......what we have for the most part today are not American Pittbull terriers.......

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Re: Cop attacked by dog (Graphic)
« Reply #59 on: September 29, 2012, 01:12:21 PM »
Ink, staffies and pitbulls are not the same, ask breeders, they will tell u the same thing, they get very offended if u suggest such a thing. Pits are mixtures of breeds of dogs, staffies that they use for show dogs that they register with akc and have papers are different, staffies are shorter and, ore broader shoulder, more muscular, my pitbulls are taller, not as muscular and dont have the huge wide head like staffies have. I understand what u are trying to say though, my boys actually have some mastiff mixed in with them. Many dogs that "look pit" arent pit at all if u do dna tests on them, u would be surprised to what u would find out what they were.
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