Author Topic: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?  (Read 1191 times)

Offline Kingpin

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2012, 02:03:27 PM »
It is a GAME. Get over it.

Yes, it's a game.  But one that attempts to replicate WWII combat with an emphasis on an having an immersive, simulator feel.  A good number of players detract from that, which is what Fugi and others are railing against.

There is a suicide crowd who do things like dive into ack just to get one kill and auger, the intentional ho-rammers, the Pony Kamikazes, the bomb-and-bailers, et al., who have no intention of landing a sortie, and these detract from the immersive/simulator feel of the game.  Just because you may have come to accept or even promote that kind of play, doesn't mean others need to "get over it".

I hope you can see that side of the equation.

« Last Edit: October 05, 2012, 02:30:41 PM by Kingpin »
Quote from: bozon
For those of us playing this game for well over a decade, Aces High is more of a social club. The game just provides the framework. I keep logging in for the people and Pipz was the kind that you keep coming to meet again.

Offline Sunka

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2012, 03:12:08 PM »
The game is alright as it is, but there are a few "loop holes" a bunch of players have found that when they exploit them ruins game play for many people. What your suggesting will have the players leaving in droves. Forcing players to fly early war rides until they "earn" mid and late war rides isn't going to make anyone happy.

The only real problem with the game is the tendency of players to look for the quickest and easiest way to accomplish what they want. In a fighter that means drive strait at the other guy guns blazing. With a CV it's drive it right to shore. To capture a base it is to crush it with a horde and make it completely useless to anyone. If these "loop holes" were closed players would look for other ways to do what they want. If you make it so the CVs run aground and sink 10 miles off shore they won't bring them in so close and battles would last longer with them. If you make it almost impossible to capture a base with 30+guys, but fairly easy with5 guys which way would the players try to capture bases?

The loop holes have to be closed up to take the "gameyness" out of the game play.

Um HT. ^.^
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #17 on: October 05, 2012, 07:20:31 PM »
It is a GAME. Get over it.

It's a game that has gotten twisted by players learning to cut corners instead of learning to play the game.

Offline Rob52240

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #18 on: October 05, 2012, 09:06:36 PM »
It's a game that has gotten twisted by players learning to cut corners instead of learning to play the game.

I'll agree that players who make no effort to survive their sorties detract from my enjoyment.
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Offline DarkHawk

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #19 on: October 05, 2012, 10:36:17 PM »
One can always add a death penalty, from 1 to 5 minutes,
Example: first death   1 minute delay to reup, if you did not land saftely
                               2 minute delay for a ditch
                               3 minute delay for a bail
                               4 minute delay for a death,
                               5 minute delay for a death, that occured 10 minutes of the last death.
just a through.
flame on

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Offline Lusche

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2012, 10:38:38 PM »
Example: first death   1 minute delay to reup, if you did not land saftely
                               2 minute delay for a ditch
                               3 minute delay for a bail
                               4 minute delay for a death,
                               5 minute delay for a death, that occured 10 minutes of the last death.

The NOE horde attacking a field would truly love this ;)
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Offline 9thAFE

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2012, 10:59:10 PM »
True on the NOE Horde part that does kind of point out a flaw in the thinking there. Unless there is someway of the system picking up on the cause of death and judging it there such as death from collision or a bail within certain time after dropping bombs with no damage taken that kinda thinking.

 I would like to see a progressive destruction flow, what I mean is for example, if there is 4 Fighter Hangers on a field then u have unlimited planes, but say someone bombs 2 of them then that goes down to say 8 fighters and if only one remains maybe only 4 fighters can leave that field, similar to the way the fuel is (a useless target) if u drop the fuel depots the overall fuel availability goes down.

Or even another thought leave down times for FH's, BH's, Vh's the same unless all the FH's get knocked out within 2 mins then the down time doubles to 30mins or just increase it 5-10 more mins on the FH's and the same for each individual set of hangers knock them all out and down time jumps up, it would push for a little more teamwork. Just some other ideas to add in here.
8thBuff (CO)  8th AAF  "The Mighty 8th"  Squadron

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2012, 09:59:49 AM »
Simple fixes could curb the "gamier" style of play. Increase the DAR ring a few more miles out. This would give a bit more of a warning for those that like to defend, and also make those that like to NOE work a bit harder to accomplish their mission. It won't stop players who like to NOE from doing it, but it would help even the sides a bit by giving the defenders a chance to get set.

HTC has already changed it so suicide bombers have no effect as their bombs don't work if they are not still in their planes, the same goes for the torpedoes which stopped the up fire and repeat as many time as you can to have a crap load of torps in the water. Little fixes like these could help curb that gamier play and in turn make the game more fun and challenging for more people.

Offline diaster

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2012, 07:09:13 PM »
The game is alright as it is, but there are a few "loop holes" a bunch of players have found that when they exploit them ruins game play for many people. What your suggesting will have the players leaving in droves. Forcing players to fly early war rides until they "earn" mid and late war rides isn't going to make anyone happy.

The only real problem with the game is the tendency of players to look for the quickest and easiest way to accomplish what they want. In a fighter that means drive strait at the other guy guns blazing. With a CV it's drive it right to shore. To capture a base it is to crush it with a horde and make it completely useless to anyone. If these "loop holes" were closed players would look for other ways to do what they want. If you make it so the CVs run aground and sink 10 miles off shore they won't bring them in so close and battles would last longer with them. If you make it almost impossible to capture a base with 30+guys, but fairly easy with5 guys which way would the players try to capture bases?

The loop holes have to be closed up to take the "gameyness" out of the game play.

Limit the amount of aircraft available at a given field. Say 12 Fighter/Attack and 4 bombers (new ones available as old ones die). Each hanger down reduces the number "x" amount respectively. Limit planes available on CV (no respawn for 15 minutes). If it died, one less plane available.
This would make hordes a lot harder to put together, definitely make the strategists think a lot more when mission planning. Sure would make people think twice about ho'n when they would have to then go to a field farther away and... wait for it... when the GVs get in a battle be a lot less bomb****ing them.

I am sure this could be expanded upon a lot. But concept is, keep game play fast and aggressive not easy and limit gaming the game
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Offline LilMak

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Re: What if AH strategy had more an RTS feel?
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2012, 11:34:36 AM »
Perhaps a strat facility that effects perk costs for perk rides or effects the ENY in a way that requires a small perk cost for low ENY planes when hit. Not keeping anyone from their fav ride but making a small penalty to grab one out of the hangar.
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