Author Topic: Historical evolution of VMF-224  (Read 238 times)

Offline Melvin

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Historical evolution of VMF-224
« on: October 04, 2012, 04:41:20 PM »
A few months ago I decided to take an F4-F up for a sortie or two. In the hangar I picked the one with the red cowling because I liked the look. Later that night I did some research of the aircraft and found it is modeled after the aircraft flown by Medal Of Honor winner Maj. Robert Galer. I then decided that I would follow VMF-224's aircraft progression through WWII, switching planes every six months.

Here's the problem. I can only find information that places the Bengals in F4U-1's after the F4F's. However, I have also seen photos of F4U-1D's marked as being from VMF-224.

So, I was wondering if any of our local experten might know what type of aircraft were introduced to the squadron and what dates said aircraft were sent to the Pacific theater.

Thank you.
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