Author Topic: Thoughts from a fellow CO  (Read 760 times)

Offline AKKuya

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Re: Thoughts from a fellow CO
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2012, 07:50:26 PM »
Good post.

Also be mindful in your orders to stay within the General Rules for FSO and any Frame-specific additions/changes...things like attacking the assigned targets with ords (strafing won't do) by T+60; assigning a single mission to a squad - you can't task them to hit one target and move on and hit another target; a squad can fly two different aircraft, but cannot have two separate objectives (bomber/escort or bomber/sweep is Ok, but they cannot attack two separate targets).

I don't want any confusion on this tricky part of the FSO rules for CIC planning.  Here's the full text orders.

CiCs shall not organize a mission with orders to attack more than one objective in succession.  More simply stated, one objective, one mission.  If there are 8 offensive objectives for one side during a frame, the CIC shall ensure that there are eight attack missions, each assigned to attack a single objective.  This rule is intended to prevent CIC's from overwhelming the defenders of a single target. For example, a large combined force of 60 aircraft attacking three bases that are each singly defended by a squad of 15 or 20. Please see examples under the Example CiC Orders section:

That just states taking an extrememly large force that would be evenly split for several targets to attack one target with a lesser sized defense force overwhelming them and move unto the next target continuing the same tactic giving the attacking force complete supieority.  Which is a good rule to make an evenly based fun for all concerned.

I don't want any new or inexperienced CIC think it has to be only say 4 seperate attack missions to 4 seperate objectives and then RTB for the night and call it a day.  Depending on map used, aircraft used, and squad numbers, a good CIC can devise Orders that will satisfy all FSO rules with minimums and maximums for aircraft, defending targets protected with minimum pilots, single attack missions per single objectives with minimum attack pilots plus the creativity to have secondary attack objectives once the primary objectives have been hit.

Chuck Norris can pick oranges from an apple tree and make the best lemonade in the world. Every morning when you wake up, swallow a live toad. Nothing worse can happen to you for the rest of the day. They say money can't buy happiness. I would like the opportunity to find out. Why be serious?

Offline SlipKnt

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Re: Thoughts from a fellow CO
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2012, 07:18:13 AM »

Great post!!!  I look at the rides, special rules, and plane restrictions.  I also look at the few months prior attendance to obtain a better understanding of who is showing up and who isn't and try to predict or envision how it will appear on the frame I am CiC.  The better I predict, the better the mission outcome is.  Looking and assuming based on the min/max numbers is a craps shoot.  But having some history behind that assignment can make a world of difference in mission planning.

Often times, I go through 10 front and back sheets of paper until I find the balance I am looking for.  If the plane restrictions are heavy that month, then often times it is extremely difficult to put guys in the rides they requested but I normally look at previous rides from that month and try my best to put squads in their a. historic ride, or b. requested ride. 

I believe most squads understand they may not get the ride they requested and carry out the mission to the best of their ability.  That is part of the fun of the game.  But, as a CiC, I do my best to place peeps in their rides. 

For the most part, I try to keep all the squads happy while meeting all the guidelines as set forth by the CMs in the objectives. 

I think the key to most mission success (and this is for the new COs) is to use the squad email feature.  This really helps.  Even if you are not the CiC, you can reach out to the other squads that are on the same mission together and prepare your attack well in advance.  This best works if all the other squads on that same mission communicate as well.  I have had good success doing this.  I do apologize for the amount of emails that take place during the week in preparation, but I appreciate the respose I have been seeing.

Overall, great topic Perdue!  Appreciate you posting it.

vCSG-3, VMA-513 Flying Nightmares (AV8B)