On the color: it's the 3-coat pearl redline color ..has a definite metallic component and a bit of pearl accent where the sun hits it.
On back seat: It's gonna be a hassle with any 2 door gettin kids in an out ..the room is there though unless you and your wife are 6' or more.
(it's a wide back seat, had 3 teenage grandkids back there and my son-in-law in passenger seat when we let the smoke out of the back tars for laffs, off a stoplight
Once the kids are old enough that you can just point and say 'get in' ..yer golden
Tellin ya .. ima get arrested in this beast ..it's too much FUN
On 'hemi' badges ..there's two on the hood.
Thinkin of adding one along with the R/T sticker on the spoiler in back also.