Author Topic: Use of delay in radar settings.  (Read 747 times)

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Use of delay in radar settings.
« on: December 03, 2012, 05:18:28 AM »
I read on the DGSII allied forums some conversation regarding the 5 minute delay settings on dar bar.

The assumption with respect to this scout was that the update was 5 minutes late and it got older as we awaited the next update. Such that a large dar bar appearing in one sector could be assumed to be not just entering but indeed(given straight flight) just about to leave it. this assumption usually led me to the enemy. Could anyone confirm this?

The main point of this post is a sort of wish regarding this delay. It seems the delay trigger is from the FE clock. This resulted in players seeing the update at different times some obviously earlier than others ( by as much as a minute) with good communication our squad was able to use this such that who ever was updating earliest reported it.

I am not sure but it almost seemed that variation allowed us to see a running delay.  ( rather than a "stepped" delay)...... I.e.if my FE updated 1 minute after my colleague then I also got data that was 1 minute "newer" than what was showing on his screen.

It would be neat if the update trigger was server generated such that it was timed / synchronised across all players.

Ludere Vincere