I have to say this video isn't very good... You are putting it up as-recorded, meaning there's minutes wasted in the hangar, you fly around NOE never firing a shot in a stuka, then land, and then you crash a c2 on takeoff and then you man an ack gun and then you launch a spit. You could cut out over 10 minutes of wasted time on a VERY long video, and it would be a better video for it. Just jump straight to the spit and continue from there, maybe. If you see my point?
You really need to trim the fat. Don't get me wrong there's all different styles for different videos, but they all trim it down to convey just what they were intended to convey. If you're showing combat, then focus on clips that have that. If you're showing newbies how to do something, add a helpful voiceover. If you're informing people about a new plane, or showcasing a new feature (i.e. megastrat), do that. Your 3.0 video just seems to idle. You need to put more effort into making a video worth watching through clip selection and reviewing your footage for the best parts. Of your 16 minutes, only about 3 minutes (starting when you launch your spit) is really worth using for "action" footage. For a video titled "let's fight" there is very little fighting.
I don't mean to be overly critical, but you've done much better on your other videos.
On an unrelated note: I would request different names. "Let's play1" through "let's play 17" and 1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1 are all very repetitive names and easily forgotten. So if I saw the zero action in let's fight 1.0, I couldn't recall if it was 1.0, 2.0, or what. If it were called "Let's fight: Zeke action" (just throwing an example out there) it's easier to find and remember.