Well, my experience in AH of late is that if I take the time to position correctly my wife will find something that I need to do the moment I am in position to attack, or if she is out and about, she'll call right at that moment. My only Me410 sortie thus far was a 45 minute climb and flight to find bombers, followed by getting in position, and as soon as I put the nose down to dive on the bombers the phone rang and she needed me to answer some questions. It is hard to attack and focus on detailed questions. Result: One dead B-24J and one dead Me410,
Last week, climbed a B5N2 to 12,000ft to go bomb a radar, long flight there and I see an La-7 upping as I near the target, but I figure with the B5N2's manueverability I stand a fair chance of causing him to auger, so I steady on my bomb run. Phone rings, she needs me to find something. Result, dead radar, but La-7s are hard to avoid when you aren't able to focus on keeping track of them.