Sure I can (and do), but what would be the point of having a -1C if the guns jam after the first burst?
Can you imagine the whines if a customer pays those hard earned perks for a 262 only to get a pair of engine fires when he fire-walls the throttles on take-off?
Can you imagine the whines if a customer selects "The Plane that Won the War" P-51D, and as soon as it dives over 500 mph a wing folds over the cockpit, trapping the player in a spiral of death?
The hard reality is that WWII fighters were very much experimental aircraft if judged by today's standards. The P-51, for instance, was developed in less than a year. They all had their vices and quirks, and were a lot harder to fly than in any computer game... Let alone to fight in.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but in the real P-51 there were hundreds of switches and levers that needed to be used to successfully operate the aircraft. In this game you hit "e", fire-wall the throttle and pull on the stick.
I'm, sorry if I overstate the obvious...