Author Topic: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options  (Read 743 times)

Offline thndregg

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[Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« on: December 08, 2012, 10:22:26 AM »
Reviving an old idea.

It would be more convenient, in my humble opinion, to provide two additional buttons on the mission planner prior to posting the mission. [Country] or [Squad]. I realize that one could simply post a mission without publicizing it (at the risk of receiving uninvited guests), or simply communicate over text/vox to your squad stating the mission parameters (base number, aircraft/vehicle, ordnance loadout, fuel, runway/spawn point, launch time, etc...)

My only problem is the verbal/text aspect of repeating those parameters as my squad is finishing up various sorties, intent on joining the mission.

Just a thought.

Fire away.

Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"

Offline Lusche

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2012, 10:29:57 AM »
My squad of one approves  :aok
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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2012, 02:02:09 PM »

Offline bustr

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #3 on: December 08, 2012, 04:22:33 PM »
Hitech's squad membership function is limited to the guys in that group membership data set. If you have multiple wings of the squad your (Squad) selection will only notify those squad members who belong to the data set your membership is associated with.

So now we want Hitech to start creating exclusive functions that descriminate beyond the squad function? As functionality enticing as it apears to be. How many nonverbal messages does it take befor we begin to tell prospective new subscribers that they have to gain membership to the "country club" to realy play this game? When $14.95 equals $14.95 no matter who you are at least in theory opposed to AH cultural practice?

It dosent take long to get deep enough into the apearances of exclusivisity and elitism before you can no longer understand whats wrong with the reflection in your mirror and you demand HTC codify it as the status quo. Or how that has any corrilation to lowering new subscriptions. I know. It's HTC's job to understand what turns off new subscribers and save us from our selves at the same time. Thats why we pay HTC $14.95 and not the other way around.

I hear the Marines are always looking for a "few" good men if they have the right stuff.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2012, 05:10:49 PM »
Hitech's squad membership function is limited to the guys in that group membership data set. If you have multiple wings of the squad your (Squad) selection will only notify those squad members who belong to the data set your membership is associated with.
i'm opposed to multi-wing squads to begin with :)


So now we want Hitech to start creating exclusive functions that descriminate beyond the squad function? As functionality enticing as it apears to be. How many nonverbal messages does it take befor we begin to tell prospective new subscribers that they have to gain membership to the "country club" to realy play this game? When $14.95 equals $14.95 no matter who you are at least in theory opposed to AH cultural practice?

It dosent take long to get deep enough into the apearances of exclusivisity and elitism before you can no longer understand whats wrong with the reflection in your mirror and you demand HTC codify it as the status quo. Or how that has any corrilation to lowering new subscriptions. I know. It's HTC's job to understand what turns off new subscribers and save us from our selves at the same time. Thats why we pay HTC $14.95 and not the other way around.

I hear the Marines are always looking for a "few" good men if they have the right stuff.

the very notion of a squad in this game is exclusive and elitist.

dissolve all squads, everyone on one big country squad.. hows that?

Kill the manned ack.

Offline bustr

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2012, 06:49:29 PM »
If I remember, Hitech is not as positive on the idea of squads as we are. They are the double edged sword of as many good things in this game as truely horrible things. Once you create the "in group" all of the gentic responses to "out groups" kick in. That whole concept of our baser selves becomes exacerbated with the blinders group membership places on it's members. From there, any day in the hood can be a walk in the sunshine to a moderators nightmare.

We only see the advatanges of belonging and swear to our virtual deaths that our "in group" is made up of saints and choir boys. And viciously defend them in this forum or in the arenas like crips, bloods and He!!s Angles stomping an insult. Afterall the group is always "right" by virtue of the collective identity.

Yes, eventualy many will actively seek out a gang to belong to in the MA if they get past the unspoken and obvious fact that the game is two games with newbies floundering around up to 18 months trying to fit into the games social dynamic. Joining a squad\gang is instant acceptance by a peer group no matter how lame your skillz are.

Now if Aces High were advertised as a group combat simulator where the comradery and security of group membership is the game's focus. And when you submitted your credit card number and did that first official login right after that. A recriutment menu popped up with interested squads advertising their seductive wares.......

Don't get me wrong I belong to a squad and enjoy it's benifits. One of the worst double edged swords of squads was the easy ability back in AH1 for the CO's on the Rook side to organise the 300+ player hoards called JSO and kill game play in the MA for a day. Thats how you guys got ENY. Those Rook CO's and followers realy liked what they saw in that mirror. Then Hitech slapped reality on them and invented ENY telling them the image in the mirror was not good for the health of the game.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline thndregg

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2012, 07:04:30 PM »

I simply stated a desire to have an extra mission posting option.

I have no agenda behind it, nothing implied.

I don't play that often.

Very simple.

Former C.O. 91st Bombardment Group (Heavy)
"The Ragged Irregulars"

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2012, 08:16:19 PM »

I simply stated a desire to have an extra mission posting option.

I have no agenda behind it, nothing implied.

I don't play that often.

Very simple.

Don't worry about it.  It was just more psudo psychologist Bustr babble.  Ignore it like everyone else does.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Eric19

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #8 on: December 08, 2012, 08:27:46 PM »
I see no problem with this and not because egg is my CO or anything :uhoh but it would be nice to have a seperate mission planner for squads like staged missions are on the clipboard in a different link all together
so I give it a +1

<S> Eggster :cheers: :bolt:
Proud member of the 91ST BG (H) The Ragged Irregulars

Offline Stellaris

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #9 on: December 08, 2012, 09:39:25 PM »
+1 for squad specific missions.  Sometimes you just want to run with your crew.

+10 for an in-game squad recruiting option.  I feel bad every time I shoot down some clueless newbie.  This game has a tremendously xxx steep learning curve. Anything to support the need guys is a good thing.

Offline bustr

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2012, 10:39:49 PM »
The Law is what the Mob says it is was practiced in Paris during the Terror. The customer is always right was a famous 20th century quote. And democracies in their purest form will vote self extinction becasue there are no unintended consiquences says the group in power doing the voting.

An alternative to this wish for "everyone", that would happen to directly benifit squads is a generic mission type where the creator of the mission picks players who get a private invite notification to his mission. It could pop into the text buffer in caps for players to check the private mission planner becasue of an invite from player(xxxx).

Two classes of mission would exist in the mission tools. Public and Private. Versus, Public and "by Squad Membership Only". But, belonging to Aces High is a bit like belonging to Augusta where public and private associations are concerned.

Yes it can get unitenionaly abused just like join requests. But, it's not a publicly present mission tool excluding everyone not in a\or your squad as the price to leverage it for general game play by the paying customers. Unless the mission tool can be scaled like purchasing 1st class tickets on an airline.

Yes there is the exclusive use, create a Squad tool. I suspect it is a concession as a "necessary evil" consession to freedom of association versus the bad sides of selective descrimination by exclusive groups.

In a more real world persepective including some SCOTUS rulings logic on public and private designations.

HTC does provide a certaint amount of exclusive private association concession in the general public play arenas opposed to the private arenas that require an invitation to special events. Or the password controled gateway access to custom(private) arenas.

You can create an exclusive private association group called a squad. You are issued an exclusive private VOX/Text channel and allowed to commondere an additionl number of "public" VOX/Text channels to augment your private communications. This works becasue the general public in the public arenas just like "you", are free to commondere VOX channels for private communications without the additional elevated privlege of being a squad. Addtionaly all missions are issued an exclusive private mission channel.

What you are requesting is a new exclusive private privelge function be initiated that has a special privlege to associate attatched to it that descriminates against a class of player for his choice of how he associates in the public arenas. You want the ability to create private missions in a public forum visa a new function that specificly descriminates against players who choose not to form or be part of any squad. Your mission editor requires being in a squad to function while in an open public arena. You are asking for the concept of "Equal But, Separate" by the manner you use "squad" and the request for an exclusive tool to meet your personal need in the context of membership to an exclusive private group when everyone is paying the same fee to access the general arena tools. Shades of Augusta in reverse.

Thus my suggestion of Public versus Private missions and mission invites. Everyone is then free to descriminate in the same manner to how they wish to associate rather than only squads are granted that elevated privelege in a general arena that everyone pays equaly to access. The current MA mission editor is an equal public access function with no ability to descriminate the membership.

But, you do have an exclusive way to descriminate. Private text. Special VOX channel shouting at your squad mates to line them up for a mission. Which everyone equaly has this ability to descriminate in the MA with no additional special privelges just like you do now. Your tool attempts to be "Special but, Equal" rather nicely as long as you are a member of "Special".

Ain't it nice to be Special??
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline Nathan60

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2012, 11:09:43 PM »
It's got to be some kinda code as soon as NSA cracks it and gets back to me I'll tell you all what it says.  :neener:

OH wait here it is... Just use squad chat, and have one individual from each wing repeat it as necessary.  I got your back Bustr.

The ability to copy and paste said instrictions for the mission into text would be nice or just being able to hit the up directional key to repeat.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 11:12:31 PM by Nathan60 »
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Offline bustr

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2012, 11:56:06 PM »
I can understand why Hitech stopped trying to explain his positions to players. Most of the time what we want in this wishlist is benign and sometimes would be a fun addition to game play for "everyone". When the combination of a personal wish happens that seems inoquous at face value but, has unthought of unintended consiqueces. And as a rule most wishes here are never provided with a pro and con list becasue the prevailing orthodoxy is: "ITS A WISHLIST". Chances are elaborating on the consiquences by management would be a long boaring slog through semilegalistic logic that puts the audience to sleep. In most cases the unspoken player tought is: "So what, I want what I want. It's your job to work out the problems and it's my $14.95."

Everything introduced to the MA is for "General" consumption to benifit all players no matter their condition or situation. Just as rule number one is the equal ability to wage war at all times.

A problem with squads in the MA is limited and hands off regulation from management, time ingrained customs assumed to be HTC rules of play, and supra normal privelages and perogitives assumed over time. Lots of unintended consiquences born of this policy that normaly get controlled by good squad leadership or community peer preassure in response to the most agregious and outlandish. But, with all of the good intentions in the world. Unintended consiquences happen.

Seperate but, Equal is realy no different from Special but, Equal when you are a member of the Special side. The General Public Main arenas are currently Equal but, Equal. While this wish is for a tool that is Special but, Equal. So someone gets descriminated against becasue they aren't a member of Special. This is a slippery slope of unintended consiquences germaine to the culture of "Squads" and Separate but, Equal.

Squads = Special privelges because "in groups" gravitate towards defining themselves as special and better than "out groups" and individuals to re-enforce their special identity. Thus the slippery slope when things are asked for in the name of a "squad" versus by an individual as an individual request. 
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline kvuo75

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2012, 01:51:02 AM »
I can understand why Hitech stopped trying to explain his positions to players. Most of the time what we want in this wishlist is benign and sometimes would be a fun addition to game play for "everyone". When the combination of a personal wish happens that seems inoquous at face value but, has unthought of unintended consiqueces. And as a rule most wishes here are never provided with a pro and con list becasue the prevailing orthodoxy is: "ITS A WISHLIST". Chances are elaborating on the consiquences by management would be a long boaring slog through semilegalistic logic that puts the audience to sleep. In most cases the unspoken player tought is: "So what, I want what I want. It's your job to work out the problems and it's my $14.95."

Everything introduced to the MA is for "General" consumption to benifit all players no matter their condition or situation. Just as rule number one is the equal ability to wage war at all times.

A problem with squads in the MA is limited and hands off regulation from management, time ingrained customs assumed to be HTC rules of play, and supra normal privelages and perogitives assumed over time. Lots of unintended consiquences born of this policy that normaly get controlled by good squad leadership or community peer preassure in response to the most agregious and outlandish. But, with all of the good intentions in the world. Unintended consiquences happen.

Seperate but, Equal is realy no different from Special but, Equal when you are a member of the Special side. The General Public Main arenas are currently Equal but, Equal. While this wish is for a tool that is Special but, Equal. So someone gets descriminated against becasue they aren't a member of Special. This is a slippery slope of unintended consiquences germaine to the culture of "Squads" and Separate but, Equal.

Squads = Special privelges because "in groups" gravitate towards defining themselves as special and better than "out groups" and individuals to re-enforce their special identity. Thus the slippery slope when things are asked for in the name of a "squad" versus by an individual as an individual request. 


touchy? the OP asks for the option in the mission editor to post either public or private missions and you done wrote yourself some stuff!


Kill the manned ack.

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: [Country] or [Squad] Posted Mission Options
« Reply #14 on: December 09, 2012, 02:00:37 AM »

Even though I skipped the vast majority of your wall of text psycho babble there's nothing wrong with wanting to post squad missions.  I'm a squad of one and I won't feel left out.

If you invite a few friends over for dinner do you feel compelled to invite the rest of the general public?  My guess is no but that's the argument you're trying to make here.  Aren't your friends a "special group"?  Well, maybe to you but not to me.  I could care less.

Once again you reveal your stupidity by trying to make yourself look smart.

Oh, and I was able to provide a concise counter argument in one paragraph against several walls of text that no one will bother to read.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.