Dang Ack Ack, that's it. I haven't found mine and it is an old, printed picture not a jog. At the time I was a Navy bird geek so I didn't know (or read) as much about the European theater, etc. As I said, I had that old timer tell me some stories, which I don't really remember. What I should have done is sit the guy down and grill him for everything he could remember, and do that a few times to jog his memory. Then either record it or take copious notes. I missed an opportunity.
Once as a kid growing up in Vegas I stopped at a red light and some old guy asked for a ride. Common occurrence when driving in a vehicle with no doors. He hopped in and I drove him home. Turns out he was a Pearl Harbor vet. We talked for about 15 minutes as I was running late for work. He invited me to come back to see pictures, hear more stories, etc but being a stupid 18 year old I quickly forgot to go back. I've only met two Pearl Harbor vets and didn't really take the opportunity either time.
