Author Topic: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing  (Read 4493 times)

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #30 on: January 02, 2013, 03:46:44 AM »
I kind of like the added realm of achievements.  It would be really neat of HTC would expand it to coincide with the ranking/scoring system, so if someone wants to be #1 then will need to bomb successfully in Bostons and a B5N as well as B29's, and land kills in a P40C as well as their [Gollum voice] "precious" La7 and P51D [off Gollum voice].  Perhaps a player should get extra kudos for landing kills in a high ENY plane (P40C, 109E-4, etc).

Maybe more kudos for delivering X amount of damage in a LVT 4? or Landing X number of kills in a M3 (thinking 75mm AP).  Maybe X number of damage points in a set of Bostons.  Etc Etc.

I like the concept and I think this will be fun in the long run.

I say keep it rolling and developing!   :aok
I find the concept great too. This is a great stepping stone because as it was, there was no incentive besides just having the personal challenge.
I can see this working to give players much more incentive to actually WANT to put themselves in some sort of disadvantage *( XXX landed 5 kills and survived a 3vs1)

The scoring system we have now is ok but the side effects sometimes promote timid flying. Perks are great but when you have 5000 in each category and hardly use them, it becomes obsolete.
The win the war concept is great for team play but the obvious side effect is hording. Why not add some other dynamics to the game to make it more interesting and perhaps level the playing feild?

What is actually funny to me is that I saw one of the guys that was ranting on 200 about the star system was in a jeep off in some base trying to get the airtime acheivment  :lol
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Offline Paladin3

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #31 on: January 02, 2013, 11:14:43 AM »
Call me an old fuddy duddy but I'd like to see an option to turn them off   :old:

This. At least. I am also with CAF. This is just silly. Look at me perma-star. Its cool to be able to congradulate folks when they land victories - but ranks, etc do not mean anything. Inside the squad sure, it might be nice to have a little thing that identifies certain folks to positions within the squad so outsiders know who to address questions to. But I am not a fan of the stars.

Offline Slade

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #32 on: January 02, 2013, 01:29:02 PM »
How about putting the star next to the player's name on the roster, instead of the text bar?  That way the people interested in scores could see who is a "star" achiever, without embarrassing those who prefer to remain low key.

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Offline NatCigg

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2013, 04:34:27 PM »
Achievement systems encourage people to play, to try different things and probably extend subscription lengths.

I am currently working on my spit 9 achievement. :salute  I am sorry to all those I have killed because of this :devil; i know it cant be as good for you as it was for me. :airplane:

If i get three stars can i make them into a pyramid? :headscratch:

Offline bozon

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2013, 03:39:10 AM »
 Nobody asked for it, but since I've been awarded what I personally see as a
kindergarten type "star" on my handle in-game, which I find embarrasing,
Why do you find it embarrassing? to this moment I have no idea what the criteria are for getting one.

If you do not care about the achievement system - ignore it like I do. Occasionally I get some achievement message, sometimes it is amusing, sometimes it is mundane, but as long as I am not spammed by it inflight, I can't see how this bothers anyone. I am sure HTC will provide with an option to turn off achievement messages. The star before the handle in the text buffer make no difference to me. Do you feel branded by it?
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Offline HawkerMKII

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2013, 06:06:18 AM »
Why do you find it embarrassing? to this moment I have no idea what the criteria are for getting one.

If you do not care about the achievement system - ignore it like I do. Occasionally I get some achievement message, sometimes it is amusing, sometimes it is mundane, but as long as I am not spammed by it inflight, I can't see how this bothers anyone. I am sure HTC will provide with an option to turn off achievement messages. The star before the handle in the text buffer make no difference to me. Do you feel branded by it?

No but a year down the road I don't want to see........ Host:★★★★★★★★★Player123★★★★★★★★★has landed 8 kills in clutter up the chat buffer anymore than it already is
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Offline bozon

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2013, 07:42:44 AM »
There's more than 1 star? I haven't seen that yet.
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Offline f35raptor

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2013, 11:33:55 AM »
Numbet one it doesnt show on the host that thst player has a star by his or her name. It only shows on the text buffer

Offline Nathan60

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2013, 01:40:21 PM »
I dont get it  why is a star such a big deal? Best solution I have seen thus far is for it to be put on the names in the roster. That would seem  reasonable to me.
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Offline Triton28

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2013, 02:23:33 PM »
I'm not seeing the big deal.

I don't care to rack up achievements either, but the fact that they're there doesn't bother me.  I might be bored one night and decide to intentionally try for them..   :headscratch:
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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2013, 02:36:14 PM »
much ado over nothing.

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Offline muzik

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #41 on: January 05, 2013, 04:50:33 PM »
I haven't seen this new system. It does sound rather gay but, as much as I hate to do it, I have to applaud HTC [for] sticking his little toe out of the box a bit.

Wouldn't be my first choice of changes, but I am sure that there is enough evidence out there that suggests that video game success is strongly tied to this silly little reward system.

If you really want to end this though, just tell Ht how much muzik LOVES this new system he has. He'll be ripping and tearing coads all over the office.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 06:39:49 PM by muzik »
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Offline Hazard69

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #42 on: January 06, 2013, 12:42:48 AM »
Since achievements are a purely personal item, I don't see any downside in giving people an option to 'opt out' of it. Unless ofcourse, HTC has fututre plans to integrate it into gameplay (like XYZ loadouts are available to players with 123 ranks/achievements w/e).

I personally don't see whats the big deal with the star system? Ok, the squelch issue is there, but thats a bug and will be fixed. So theres a star by your name, would you feel better if it were a big round dot? Or a set of wings?

I personally like the idea of a ranking system which is apparent in game and not just on some obsolete webpage. Though personally I dont like the way its awarded. I'd rather the reward system reset on player death. That way it can really mean something. Less mindless flying then and more people actually trying to land their rig / ditch it / bail out of it (instead of flying around till they run out of fuel or ammo and then die etc.)
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Offline kvuo75

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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #43 on: January 06, 2013, 12:22:29 PM »
I'd rather the reward system reset on player death. That way it can really mean something. Less mindless flying then and more people actually trying to land their rig / ditch it / bail out of it (instead of flying around till they run out of fuel or ammo and then die etc.)


just bail before anyone got a shot on you? LOL

(someone 800 yds on my 6, closing.. enter enter enter!)


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Re: This "Star" Stuff Is Just Plain Embarassing
« Reply #44 on: January 06, 2013, 12:39:46 PM »
Since achievements are a purely personal item, I don't see any downside in giving people an option to 'opt out' of it. Unless ofcourse, HTC has fututre plans to integrate it into gameplay (like XYZ loadouts are available to players with 123 ranks/achievements w/e).

I personally don't see whats the big deal with the star system? Ok, the squelch issue is there, but thats a bug and will be fixed. So theres a star by your name, would you feel better if it were a big round dot? Or a set of wings?

I personally like the idea of a ranking system which is apparent in game and not just on some obsolete webpage. Though personally I dont like the way its awarded. I'd rather the reward system reset on player death. That way it can really mean something. Less mindless flying then and more people actually trying to land their rig / ditch it / bail out of it (instead of flying around till they run out of fuel or ammo and then die etc.)

that would make for incredibly lame game....we have far too much of that already.