I kind of like the added realm of achievements. It would be really neat of HTC would expand it to coincide with the ranking/scoring system, so if someone wants to be #1 then will need to bomb successfully in Bostons and a B5N as well as B29's, and land kills in a P40C as well as their [Gollum voice] "precious" La7 and P51D [off Gollum voice]. Perhaps a player should get extra kudos for landing kills in a high ENY plane (P40C, 109E-4, etc).
Maybe more kudos for delivering X amount of damage in a LVT 4? or Landing X number of kills in a M3 (thinking 75mm AP). Maybe X number of damage points in a set of Bostons. Etc Etc.
I like the concept and I think this will be fun in the long run.
I say keep it rolling and developing! 
I find the concept great too. This is a great stepping stone because as it was, there was no incentive besides just having the personal challenge.
I can see this working to give players much more incentive to actually WANT to put themselves in some sort of disadvantage *( XXX landed 5 kills and survived a 3vs1)
The scoring system we have now is ok but the side effects sometimes promote timid flying. Perks are great but when you have 5000 in each category and hardly use them, it becomes obsolete.
The win the war concept is great for team play but the obvious side effect is hording. Why not add some other dynamics to the game to make it more interesting and perhaps level the playing feild?
What is actually funny to me is that I saw one of the guys that was ranting on 200 about the star system was in a jeep off in some base trying to get the airtime acheivment