Nobody asked for it, but since I've been awarded what I personally see as a
kindergarten type "star" on my handle in-game, which I find embarrasing, I'm
tossin' my two cents in on this new "achievement" system.
First off, I started writing each of 'em down to transpose in here in
this post. However, after getting to 25 and seeing that there was still a hell
of a lot of "scroll bar" left, I just plain gave up.
Ramrodding my own squad with our own "achievement system" in place,
as well as compiling monthly stats on my herd, I'm fully aware of what is
ridiculously easy and what is not.
My first thoughts about this new "system" is a question of whether they are weekly based,
monthly based, or if one has "forever" to achieve 'em.
My second thoughts are that it is obvious that it was not a well thought out
new "feature". If HTC has paying customers who are actually embarassed to
see a kindergarten-like "star" on their "forehead" in-game, then there's a
problem. And trust me, HTC, I'm NOT the only guy feeling this way.
I know per one of HTC's posts that some of these are "tongue-in-cheek"?
I'd be interested to know just which of these they consider so and which
they think are "legitimate" and worthy of keeping/implementing.
I suggest there be an "opt in" or "opt out" part to the whole system.
My (cough) "favorite" is the "Bail out of a plane 25 times".
This is a guaranteed way to mold new players/customers, people who
are fresh to the game, who see that and see it as a positive thing.
Hell, it must be "cool to do" if you get an achievement for it.
I'll get the crap bashed out of me in follow up posts for this, I'm certain.
But, hell somebody's got to say it.
My suggestion is to pull out the entire "achievement system". Put some
-quality- time into it and think it through. Please don't shovel a mess like
this in front of us and expect the majority of us to give it any plausibility.
I misspelled "plausibility", I didn't have second thoughts about my post.
Thus, the edit.