The 94th FS is currently recruiting for LWA squadron operations, and also for FSO's and other various special events.,342468.0.htmlWe mostly fly P-38 Lightnings during squad nights, performing Jabo runs on strategic bases, running fighter sweeps, or capping and defending friendly bases. We are historically minded, fly in formation and with wingmen, and we focus on working as a structured team while in flight to achieve our specific goals and current objectives. However, everything we do is fairly laid back and we really just try to have as much fun as possible as a group. We are always interested in adding more likeminded pilots to our roster, and you are more than welcome to check us out. Our squad nights are usually Tuesday and Thursday at 8 PM EST. You can find us on the Rooks, channel 194, or shoot myself or Shifty(94th FS CO) a PM for more info.
Good luck to you on your search either way.