Author Topic: Operation Midway  (Read 13878 times)

Offline nrshida

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #105 on: January 04, 2013, 11:45:55 PM »
Some people are loud about their desire for acknowledgement and respect for whatever their chosen desirable abilities, talents or personal attributes are. Others go about it in a much more intelligent, subtle and 'long gamed' approach. Both methods ultimately desire respect and acknowledgement and both methods end up rolling around with glee in the results. Just because one is more cunning and the other is more honest does not make either any better than the other.

And some people do not desire it at all.

Happy Friday Pipz!
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Offline Midway

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #106 on: January 04, 2013, 11:48:33 PM »
And some people do not desire it at all.

And some people are very nice and others can be nicer. :)

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #107 on: January 04, 2013, 11:58:40 PM »
And some people do not desire it at all.

Very, very few, if any. You for instance enjoy being considered a sage of sorts with an ability to make good humour. Two commendable attributes for our little community and a reputation you have incubated using intelligence and social prowess.

Midway enjoys being considered a PITA verbally and also enjoys building his reputation as someone who wants to fly better all the time and wants to fight. Another commendable attribute to add to our little community....well....the second bit anyhow.

The point I'm making is that just because you enjoy your reputation through what you consider to be the correct method of gaining a reputation does not mean that a more honest, some might say childishly readable, approach is wrong.

Everything any human does at any point is always to some extend a self serving action, no matter if it is making the community laugh or proclaiming one's greatness at cartoon aircraftability.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #108 on: January 05, 2013, 12:05:02 AM »
Midway enjoys being considered a PITA Period.

2010 is calling, its been over two years now - time to step up from HO'ing on first move.
JG 52

Offline Bruv119

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #109 on: January 05, 2013, 03:15:37 AM »
I have to agree with Batfink and SR. Even engaging in this sort of action against Midway you have lost a little.  

IMO Midway is all about the attention if you give or acknowledge anything he says then he wins.  Since he refused any sort of training ages ago I have just run with the amusement of how easily he can wind people up.  

Also saying you don't fly a spit because the AH "fraternity" said it isn't cool and flying an even better plane in the ki-84 and claiming some sort or morale high ground is even more high school and backwards than Midway himself.  

Fly what you want, when you want, squelch people you do not want to associate with and do your best to enjoy it.  Everything else is just un-necessary drama and if you can't do that step away from the keyboard.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 03:19:48 AM by Bruv119 »
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Offline nrshida

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #110 on: January 05, 2013, 07:04:52 AM »
Very, very few, if any. You for instance enjoy being considered a sage of sorts with an ability to make good humour. Two commendable attributes for our little community and a reputation you have incubated using intelligence and social prowess.

Midway enjoys being considered a PITA verbally and also enjoys building his reputation as someone who wants to fly better all the time and wants to fight. Another commendable attribute to add to our little community....well....the second bit anyhow.

The point I'm making is that just because you enjoy your reputation through what you consider to be the correct method of gaining a reputation does not mean that a more honest, some might say childishly readable, approach is wrong.

I have cultivated nothing. If I have a reputation on these boards then it is entirely incidental. This is the way I am in real life too I'm just being myself. Sometimes I actually think I must be an annoying over-moralistic PITA myself, when I read back some of the things I type. Especially on a game forum which seems to attract and amplify the especially naughty / damaged ones. I do not enjoy my reputation nor benefit from it. Actually I frequently find the way I am to be rather costly and resent the implication that I am manipulative and less than honest.

Everything any human does at any point is always to some extend a self serving action, no matter if it is making the community laugh or proclaiming one's greatness at cartoon aircraftability.

I disagree. You verbally negate or devalue altruism or benevolence and yet with actions you are a trainer yourself. I do not believe I have proclaimed my greatness anywhere and this is not the thrust of my activities. You do not know my motivations for playing AH so please do not project your experiences or values onto me.

I have to agree with Batfink and SR. Even engaging in this sort of action against Midway you have lost a little.  

Lost a little what exactly? Action against Midway?  :rolleyes: He is an aggravating, ankle biting, yapping, vitriolic lapdog and when someone turns round to bite him back they are the nasty one. This situation is too absurd.

IMO Midway is all about the attention if you give or acknowledge anything he says then he wins.  

Yes I agree, now.

Since he refused any sort of training ages ago I have just run with the amusement of how easily he can wind people up.  

I have never understood and do not agree that someone who's principal activity is to be disrespectful and to aggravate others has value and merit.

Also saying you don't fly a spit because the AH "fraternity" said it isn't cool and flying an even better plane in the ki-84 and claiming some sort or morale high ground is even more high school and backwards than Midway himself.  

Well well well. This endeavour certainly has been meritorious to smoke out an undiluted opinion from you Bruv.

However you've misunderstood. I'm not berating Midway for his plane choice or claiming any morale high ground. My argument is simply that Midway exploits two of the Spitfire's outstanding attributes against every other aircraft then dishonestly claims that it is due to his fighting 'prowess'.

Regarding the reputation of the Spitfire you'd better take that up with the community. Perhaps asserting that the Ki-84 is an even better (lamer you mean?) aeroplane will help your cause.

Fly what you want, when you want, squelch people you do not want to associate with and do your best to enjoy it.  Everything else is just un-necessary drama and if you can't do that step away from the keyboard.

Excellent advice.  :salute

Happy Friday Pipz!
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"Get stuffed Skyyr, you freak" - Zack1234

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #111 on: January 05, 2013, 07:24:33 AM »

 I have cultivated nothing. If I have a reputation on these boards then it is entirely incidental. This is the way I am in real life too I'm just being myself. Sometimes I actually think I must be an annoying over-moralistic PITA myself, when I read back some of the things I type. Especially on a game forum which seems to attract and amplify the especially naughty / damaged ones. I do not enjoy my reputation nor benefit from it. Actually I frequently find the way I am to be rather costly and resent the implication that I am manipulative and less than honest.

 You have taken offence and not looked deeper into what my meaning is. When you do anything it is because it is what you want to do. Even acts of benevolence are self serving as they make you feel good for being benevolent. Why do you start a whole thread or comment in a thread with the intention of making others laugh? Firstly to spread joy and amusement to others, granted. But there is also a part of yourself that enjoys people thinking you made them laugh. Otherwise you would not care to do it in the first place.
 I have not suggested you are manipulative or less than honest. I have suggested that the almost subconscious enjoyment you receive by people thinking you are funny or wise is a more intelligent and shielded form of the far more blatant and honest bragging and hoping for acknowledgement. It is not intentionaly more honest than a more refined form of social intergration and reputation building, it just is so by default. It is the same as when a baby wants feeding it just screams till it gets what it wants. There is no eloquence in the demand yet it is no different from the adult stating 'I'm awefully hungry you know, is there anything good to eat? If it's not too much trouble.'

I disagree. You verbally negate or devalue altruism or benevolence and yet with actions you are a trainer yourself. I do not believe I have proclaimed my greatness anywhere and this is not the thrust of my activities. You do not know my motivations for playing AH so please do not project your experiences or values onto me.

I do nothing of the sort. I am a trainer firstly to help others (the benevolence), secondly to improve my gaming experience by providing better fights (the selfish motive) and lastly because it gives me satisfaction to be benevolent in this way (the subconscious self serving motive). I guarantee you any example you give me of an action a human performs I will be able to extract some element of a self serving motive from it. I never stated why you play AH, I just stated that your very much real life representation of yourself on this forum is in some way, however small, self serving, or you would not do it.

And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Triton28

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #112 on: January 05, 2013, 07:34:43 AM »
Looks like batfink paid attention during psych class..   :D

Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

Offline nrshida

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #113 on: January 05, 2013, 08:57:01 AM »
You have taken offence and not looked deeper into what my meaning is...

Your meaning is not core to this discussion. I'm not going to engage in a pedantic debate over what proportion of self / selfishness constitutes altruism. When taken to the extreme then of course there is no such thing as pure altruism (not that beyond a certain practical threshold it actually matters). If you wish to drag this into this backwater of the discussion and win by playing definitions in order to dismiss all of my other points then congratulations, I concede your victory.

I am offended when people are implying I am being something other than myself or being sly or conspiring:

a reputation you have incubated using intelligence and social prowess.

But ultimately you can think what you want, that's up to you.

Regardless my underlying point has been that I believe players should interact both here and in the game with a minimum level of civility and mutual respect commensurate to that which real world social interaction demands. This has always been my philosophy although it is rapidly and increasingly becoming clear how forlorn this hope is. This is clearly rapidly becoming a forum which belongs to the griefers & trolls so perhaps as I am apparently now the anomoly here myself I should be the one to withdraw.

Happy Friday Pipz!
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"Get stuffed Skyyr, you freak" - Zack1234

Offline Midway

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #114 on: January 05, 2013, 08:58:05 AM »

I have cultivated nothing. If I have a reputation on these boards then it is entirely incidental. This is the way I am in real life too I'm just being myself. Sometimes I actually think I must be an annoying over-moralistic PITA myself, when I read back some of the things I type. Especially on a game forum which seems to attract and amplify the especially naughty / damaged ones. I do not enjoy my reputation nor benefit from it. Actually I frequently find the way I am to be rather costly and resent the implication that I am manipulative and less than honest.

Very well said and precisely applies to me as well. :)

We share a common bond, Nrshida!  :banana:

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #115 on: January 05, 2013, 09:20:16 AM » call mid "honest" is a huge gross misuse of the word....

I do not agree with anything you have said......I am blown away that you would even write what you have.....but it is not the first time you have said stuff that makes me go :huh

I would speak my mind on mid..which I have in the past...but Shida and Skyrock summed it up pretty spot on.

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #116 on: January 05, 2013, 09:40:41 AM »
Since he refused any sort of training ages ago I have just run with the amusement of how easily he can wind people up.  

Actually I've spend hundreds, if not thousands, of hours in the DA/TA being trained and helped by many great pilots... including nrshida, Yenny, Debrody, SFOX, batfinkV, morfiend, grizz, fester, pervert, mickyd, and many others.  :)

All very much appreciated and mostly fun too... although disappointing, at times, because I couldn't "get" what some were trying to teach.  I did/do try to learn though... very hard. :aok
That's why I can now win most 1v1s and often 2v1s, and occasional 3v1s. :banana:

The learning curve was steep, but I've climb most of what I think I can - so far.  Now, I'm stuck on a plateau that I realized further training/help is just wasting the time of the trainer. :frown:

I don't like wasting people's time that want to teach something which I can't seem to get.  Learning how to beat the remaining 5% of pilots, like you, Bruv, appears out of reach and as you know extremely difficult.  Many have tried to teach me to go further, yet I seem to absorb very little now. :confused:

I've reached the point of diminishing returns vs effort expended on the part of trainers and will have to wait for a light bulb to come on before I can go further.  I'll know it when I can beat Debrody, you, Redbull, etc with substantial frequency in the same aeroplanes. :O

It may never happen, but I certainly haven't stopped trying to win nor do I avoid fun fights no matter how embarrassing they may be for me. :bhead

Trainers deserve the reward of the student learning. :old:

I can't, for now, seem to learn more, but can fight as hard as I can... and win against many, often. :)

One must come to terms with their reality if they find it unrealistic to change it, for a period of time. :old:

You might think I've given up, but that is actually far from true.  If I did, I wouldn't be fighting daily even when muted, occasionally unjustly, for weeks.  

I hope to figure out what allows you to beat me so easily...and it's this hardest last bit I need to "get"... and much training has not helped me with it, but it's still fun trying to win. :)

« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 10:13:31 AM by Midway »

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #117 on: January 05, 2013, 09:43:54 AM »
You have taken offence and not looked deeper into what my meaning is. When you do anything it is because it is what you want to do. Even acts of benevolence are self serving as they make you feel good for being benevolent. Why do you start a whole thread or comment in a thread with the intention of making others laugh? Firstly to spread joy and amusement to others, granted. But there is also a part of yourself that enjoys people thinking you made them laugh. Otherwise you would not care to do it in the first place.
 I have not suggested you are manipulative or less than honest. I have suggested that the almost subconscious enjoyment you receive by people thinking you are funny or wise is a more intelligent and shielded form of the far more blatant and honest bragging and hoping for acknowledgement. It is not intentionaly more honest than a more refined form of social intergration and reputation building, it just is so by default. It is the same as when a baby wants feeding it just screams till it gets what it wants. There is no eloquence in the demand yet it is no different from the adult stating 'I'm awefully hungry you know, is there anything good to eat? If it's not too much trouble.'

I do nothing of the sort. I am a trainer firstly to help others (the benevolence), secondly to improve my gaming experience by providing better fights (the selfish motive) and lastly because it gives me satisfaction to be benevolent in this way (the subconscious self serving motive). I guarantee you any example you give me of an action a human performs I will be able to extract some element of a self serving motive from it. I never stated why you play AH, I just stated that your very much real life representation of yourself on this forum is in some way, however small, self serving, or you would not do it.

:O You are so smart and wise... amazing. :)

I hope to, one day, demonstrate similar wisdom... but have a long way to go. :salute :rock
« Last Edit: January 05, 2013, 09:54:17 AM by Midway »

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Offline Triton28

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #118 on: January 05, 2013, 10:37:40 AM »
Batfink makes solid points.  We're all selfishly motivated to different degrees.  We all like to be praised and recognized. Although we would like it to not be the chief motivator, for some it is.  The best example I can think of is how you feel when someone tells you you're good at something.  It doesn't make you feel bad, or neutral... it makes you feel good.  I personally have other motivations for wanting to be good at this game (all pretty much selfish though), but I try not to be blatant about it.  Politeness and my personality type dictate I suppress these feelings, but they're still there.

As for who, I'd rather play the game with absurdly silly characters than guys who take themselves too seriously.  The constant fussing, fighting, and drama is to be avoided, imo.  Who is just playing the character he's invented to gain notoriety.  News flash - it worked.  Now don't get me wrong, he takes his schtick too far sometimes, but overall he's just a guy you can log on and laugh at.  I think he intends for this to happen, so I do not feel guilty about it at all.   :angel:   

That said, I hope Operation Midway is a success.  I hope he gets pwn'd repeatedly.  Then I hope he comes on the boards and displays his usually stellar mental gymnastics so I can laugh.  I do not like or watch reality TV.  This is the only guilty pleasure I have.  Please, continue. 


Fighting spirit one must have. Even if a man lacks some of the other qualifications, he can often make up for it in fighting spirit. -Robin Olds

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Re: Operation Midway
« Reply #119 on: January 05, 2013, 10:42:29 AM »

...I am apparently now the anomoly here myself I should be the one to withdraw.

When great smart people like batfinkV, Bruv, pervert, and many others are here in this forum and some of them might disagree with you on some points, your answer is to "withdraw"? :huh

Nrshida, you have much wisdom but are missing a few key points...imho...and now you say that is a reason to fall on your sword? :rolleyes:

I'm no troll...and see very few trolls (or griefers) here.  I'm just me and often misinterpreted likely due to over-communicating, on occasion.  I'm just a pilot that wants to improve to the point of beating the best pilots while having fun doing so. :angel:

BatfinkV is more correct than you want to accept.  If you think about it honestly and without the name calling and disparaging comments, you might see the light again - that I saw shinning so bright early on in you. :aok

I am no cad, bounder, retard, scallywag, wus, or whatever name you want to call me.  I'm just a human being much like you. :)

<3 Nrshida :salute :rock

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