Nope, you did not listen to my, nor anyone elses advice - your step on the easy way destinated where you arrived. The window is now closed, no way back.
Your ACM is not bad but stagnating, isnt improving anymore. The fantasy is absolutely lacking from your flying, you are extremely predictable, heck, how else could i pull the same trick on you like 20 times in 2 days?
Regardless of what you say, how you want to cheat yourself or everyone else, the facts prove me, not you.
Reaper may not be an ACM god, true. But i have fought him quite a few times, mostly lost, maybe because he was in a hurricane and me in a g6. But i dont care, do you know why? Because both of us got what we were pedalling for: an enjoyable fight. There wasnt any braggage on the BBS, nor on 200 that he utterly owned me - actually, he did - nor whinage about anything. And this is the reason i think:
Reaper >>> who/midway
My friend, I remember those fights, they were fun. IIRC was you and another 109 at one time, and I thought I was done for.
What MidFail won't tell you is that yes, although he did get a good shot in on me (that I congratulated him for and saluted him for), he would not come back and try to repeat it. He said he was going to "savor it" and refused to come back, knowing that he wouldn't get a second one with me having crawled out of the Spitfire.
To his credit, though, he did finally fight me a few weeks later. He did go 0 for 18.
He finally manned up and get into a plane that neither he nor I had any experience in at the time, for a nice even fight, the I-16. and I owned him mercilessly.
I have personally never seen him out of the Spitfire since, and that's probably a good thing for him that he stay in his trainer.