My response was to recommend that the CM team contact Jokers Jokers and find out what happened.
As a planner or a CiC, you count on someone to be there, regardless of the ride, because they committed to the FSO rules as a squad when they were accepted into the "FSO community". At the very least, try to make minimum numbers. If the entire squad cannot make it, try to communicate that information so it can be included into the planning.
From a CiC or planner standpoint, it is absolutely maddening to plan on 2 or 3 squads to defend or attack something and one of those squads not show up, leaving the other squads to get slaughtered, ruining their night.
My point is that any squad that doesn't show up, their CO should at least explain whatever needs to be explained to the CM team (and not the community).
This really should be between the CM team and the squad in question IMHO.