The most fun you can have in here is not the fight , rank, score or achievements but is making new friends from all around the world and yes I have made a few.
I have made friends here.
They have helped me learn how to drop my processes down to 19.
They have helped me with my ACM.
I have been given advice on many questions that I have asked.
One squad even invited me to join their them. I was flattered and felt honored that they invited me into their squad.

80th "The Headhunters", a great bunch of fun loving people.
In 2 years of flying, the most I have ever landed is three kills,
The best I have ever done is 4 kills and 1 assist, and with one engine out, while trying to land, I got vulched.
No matter, I fly and fight for the action.
I only fly P38s. I'm a furballer. I don't even care if I land my kills.
Perks do not matter to me, I only fly P38s.
But that is just me.
We are all here for our own reasons.
I will admit I find the "silly" achievements funny, and enjoy them.
As for "ego balm", I agree, some will live for it.
And for the "look at me" people; I will also agree there will be some players that will live for their achivements, just as we know that to some players, "winning" is all that matters; what ever their definition is of winning is.
In the game there are ego-trippers that live for winning, at the cost of their lemmings. (I guess I should have said squad underlings.)
Just look at the BBS. The BBS has its ego-trippers that annoy some people.
That will never change.
Games have come and gone; and some have survived.
I seriously doubt that anyone wants to see AH die a slow death on the vine.
Who knows, maybe it will help new people from dropping out, after their 2 week freebie.
Afterall, we all know what a steep learning curve there is to this game.
So, to me, if it helps keep the game alive, what's the problem?
This is a beta test run. Hitech and his crew are listenning to all of our comments.
And I'm sure, that in the future, there will be a way to squelch them, if you don't want to see them.
I'm not trying to start an arguement, this is just my $0.02 worth.

see you in the sky.

Butch Ryder