Explain how it is NOT all up to you. If you don't collide you don't take damage. Thats it.
I'm ok with the current collision model. I did have a head on collision last week that made me go hmm.
I was chasing a P-51 with a slightly lower and slower Yak-9U. I was running low on gas so revved back to the
fight. Said 51 proceeded to man up and tried to snipe me No big, I'll just make a quartering pass and let him
run home.
Imagine my surprise when he starts hosing at 1,000 out
I see him pass about 100 yards off my right wing.
No pings from his burst, but I get the you have collided message. Ny netstat was flatline, but I was the only one
who collided apparently. So I guess the only one who collided must mean that my right wing disappeared instantly
so as to not damage the 51.