because there are so many different connections to the game ie modem, satellite, cable, fiber, i would have to agree with fugitive, that it is what it is. you're assuming everyone has moved away from modems, but thats just not the case. there will always be lag, be it by a bad router or a bad connection to the router or any of a number of different scenarios. they can revisit it, but it probably wont change. its your basic networking 101. my company has over 400 servers in my building and sometimes theres lag from 1 end the building to the other. now take HTC and their servers, you have people from one end of the world to the other. lag will always be an issue. issues such as 100 full verse auto negotiate. some people use 100half. so many variations.
they are doing the best they can, given the tools at hand. maybe if you knew more about networking and the issues associated with it, you wouldnt be so quick to assume they need to fix something.