Author Topic: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*  (Read 4011 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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So here we go.

Sign up here to enter BaldEagl's 10th ACES HIGH ONE-ON-ONE DUELING BRACKET CHAMPOINSHIP TOURNAMENT.  Sign up here by stating so clearly and posting your in-game name even if it's the same as your BBs name.  I've transferred names from the "guaging interest" thread that I thought were going to play (see below).  Sign-up's will go until Midnight CST Saturday, February 2nd with the initial bracket posted by 6:00 PM CST Sunday, February 3rd.  No sign-up's will be allowed once the initial bracket is posted.

I will periodically post an updated roster in this thread.  Please check in to make sure I haven't made a mistake in your in-game or BBs name or your status in the tournament.

Once sign-up is completed I will start a new thread in the General Discussion forums titled Tenth Dueling Bracket & Results”.  That's where you'll find your match-ups and post results of your duels.

Major changes for this tournament include:

- Double Elimination
- Best of five/Best of seven
- Streamlined rules
- Elimination of the review committee

I've eliminated to review committee to streamline the decision making process and keep the tournament moving.  I will make whatever decisions I feel are in the best interests of the tournament and the players and those decisions will be final.

I've transferred names from the "guaging interest" thread that I thought were going to play.  Some of you I don't know your in-game name and need that so please post if it's missing.  Some of you I wasn't sure of your in-game name or used old info that I had so post a correction if it's wrong.  Also if I included you and you don't want to play or if I missed you and you do want to play let me know.

Here's who I think is playing so far (sorted by BBs name):

In-Game   -   BBs      
AAJagerX   -   AAJagerX      
Bacon8tr   -   bacon8tr       
BaldEagl   -   BaldEagl   - Administrator
Blazer65   -   blazer65       
Bosco   -   Bosco123      
Changeup -   Changeup      
   -   Copprhed       
   -   deadstikmac       
Debrody   -   Debrody      
4Fox   -   Fox      
   -   homersipes       
JETSOM   -   ink       
   -   JOACH1M      
mir   -   katanaso      
Sukov   -   kilo2      
LTARkilz   -   kilz       
batfinkv   -   mechanic       
RedBull   -   RedBull1      
   -   Ripley       
Scotch   -   Scotch      
Shane   -   Shane      
Tongs   -   SPKmes      
Ace8   -   STXAce8      
   -   Sunka       
TC   -   TequilaChaser      
FBTitan1   -   titanic3       
   -   Tracerfi       
   -   tunnelrat    

The first 32 players to sign up are guranteed a spot in the tournament.  The 33rd through 39th players to sign up may or may not get to play as I won't open up the larger bracket until we reach 40 players (see below).   

Here's the 32 player bracket:

And here's the bracket if we get 40 or more in the tournament:

Rules in the next post (Edit: a few posts down):
« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 02:52:34 PM by BaldEagl »
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Offline ink

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 02:48:32 PM »
INK...... ingame JETSOM

Offline Scotch

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 02:49:18 PM »
My ingame handle uses a zero instead of an oh. Yes, put me in.

Rock on. Thanks for doing this. It finally looks like I'll really be around for one and I'm very excited. :)

Offline RedBull1

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 02:50:50 PM »
Hell yea   :rock :aok

"There is absolutely no point discussing anything on the BBS, it's mostly populated by people who are right about everything, no one listens and everyone is just talking. People will argue over the shape of an egg." -Anonymous

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 02:51:12 PM »
· Setting up the Bracket

- Brackets will be determined by random draw of names produced by a random number generator in MS Excel.
- Depending on the number of players some may have to fly one more round than others.  They will be chosen randomly and disbursed evenly through pre-selected slots in the bracket to achieve balance at the nearest bracket root(s).
- If a player changes their in-game or BBs name during the tournament they must either post that change in the bracket and results thread or PM me with the change.  The bracket is set by in-game name so people know who to look for.
- The initial bracket will be posted on Sunday, February 3 and each Sunday thereafter until a winner has been determined.

· General Tournament Rules

- Duels must be arranged between the players to take place by 6:00 PM CST/CDT Sunday following each bracket update (6 days).
- Duel series will be best of five until the quarterfinal round.  From the quarterfinal round forward duel series will be best of seven.
- First duel plane selection will be assigned using a random number generator to select from all available fighter and fighter/attack aircraft (except the Me163, Me262 and WWI aircraft).  This will be done individually for each set of duelers.
- During the elimination rounds the loser of each duel selects the aircraft for the next duel.  From the quarterfinals forward the player who is behind in the series chooses the next duel aircraft.  If the series becomes tied at any point then the loser of the last duel chooses.
- All duels will take place in the DA canyon area.
- All duelists will fly in F1 view mode (in-cockpit).
- All duels will be player’s choice of fuel load out, gun package and convergence.  Firing off ammo prior to engagement is allowed.
- All merges will be guns cold (no firing until you have passed your opponent's 3/9 line).
- All merges will be co-alt at 7.5K until within icon range at which point a merge break can begin.  Players should expeditiously climb to merge altitude.
- Anything goes after the initial merge.
- Once one player has been shot down and the other receives a kill message the duel ends.  There is no need to land.

· Double Elimination

- The random selection process used in setting up the bracket will also be used to determine player placement in the losers bracket in each round.
- In the semi-final and final round a player that has not yet lost a series may lose.  In that case the contestants shall immediately fight the contingency round to determine who advances (the one not double eliminated).

· Posting Results

- The losing player will post in this thread after the duel series in the following format:

§ Plane - Winner
§ Plane - Winner
§ Plane - Winner
§ Plane - Winner (if needed)
§ Plane - Winner (if needed)

… and so on in later rounds.

- The loser posting verifies that the results are uncontested.  If the loser hasn't posted by the deadline then the winner may post the results but they will be deemed contested (see contests and disputes).
- This information must be posted by no later than 6:00 PM CST/CDT (as appropriate) Sunday following the posting of the updated bracket.
· Special Circumstances Affecting the Outcome of a Duel

- In the case of a draw (both run out of fuel for instance) that duel will be re-fought using the same aircraft.
- In the case of a collision:
 o If only one player collides (only one gets the collision message) the duel continues.
 o If both players collide (both get the collision message) the duel immediately ends and will be re-started in the same planes.
- Ditching or bailing constitutes forfeiture of the duel.
- The intent is for players to remain in close proximity to one another (2-3K max).  If at any time the players lose icon range on one another the duel ends immediately and will be re-started using the same planes. 
- If an uninvited third party interrupts the duel the duel is immediately ended and will be re-started using the same plane.  The dueling participants may move to any other mutually agreed upon set of fields in the DA in this instance.
- If a player experiences technical and/or equipment issues the duel will continue.  After the duel that player will be allowed fifteen minutes to correct such issues and re-log to complete any remaining duels in the series.  If he/she does not or is unable to re-log within 15 minutes he/she will lose any remaining duels by default.
- If a player disco’s the duel will be re-fought in the same planes as soon as the discoing player re-logs.  If he does not or is unable to re-log within 15 minutes he will lose the series by default.  A second disco by the same player in a series will result in forfeiture of the remaining duels in that series.

· Forfeitures

- If a player does not show within 15 minutes of the arranged time they forfeit the series. 
- If a duel cannot be arranged between two players each player will have a chance to post the circumstances in the Bracket and Results thread prior to the posting deadline.  If only one player posts and it is clear that they are making an attempt to arrange their duel then that player will advance.  If both players post and it is clear that the issue lies with only one player then the player not at fault will advance.  If it is unclear which player is at fault, or if neither player posts then a random draw will determine which player advances.  If practical, no player will be allowed to advance more than one round via forfeit. 

· Filming

- Filming is encouraged in case a dispute arises.
- From the quarterfinal round forward results must be verifiable therefore films to substantiate wins must be posted by the winning player for all duels from that round forward.  This means only films of the wins must be posted but it’s preferred that all films are posted.  Failure of the winning player to post substantiating films in these rounds will result in a disputed win (see contests and disputes).
- Films may be posted in any round if both participants agree.

· Contests and Disputes

- Each player has the opportunity to dispute results for potential rules violations.  If a player suspects a rules violation they can state their case in the results thread or contact me via PM.  Disputes must be entered by the regular deadlines.  The player must include a description of what they believe the rules violation to be and submit films if available.  I reserve the right to determine an appropriate course of action which could include but will not be not limited to overturning posted results, a rematch, a random draw or the expulsion of one or both players from the tournament.  My determination will be final.  For the advancing player and their opponent the normal 6:00 PM Sunday deadline will still apply.  Because this could delay both the winner's and his/her next opponent's ability to arrange their next duel it is in the best interest of everyone that the players reach an agreeable conclusion to their duels on their own.

· Rules Violations

- Violations of the official tournament rules as stated could constitute grounds for expulsion from the tournament.
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Offline ink

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 02:53:38 PM »
My ingame handle uses a zero instead of an oh. Yes, put me in.

Rock on. Thanks for doing this. It finally looks like I'll really be around for one and I'm very excited. :)

some of the greatest fights ive had are in this...hell me and BE had a crazy felt like 20 minute fight.....almost all the fights were white knuckle drag out brawls :rock

you will enjoy it :aok

and yes I forgot to add Thanx BE for putting it on. :salute

Offline AAJagerX

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 03:00:01 PM »
Yep, I'm in.  Thanks BE.  :salute
AAJagerX - XO - AArchAAngelz

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 03:54:28 PM »
Sign me up, please.

Krupnski - Krupinski

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 03:57:03 PM »
Yes in  :salute
X.O. Kommando Nowotny

"Never abandon the possibility of attack."

Offline STXAce8

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2013, 03:59:50 PM »
ZLA- Don't Focke Wulf Us!
Ingame: Batz
Kommando Nowotny
Its over the top as Fack

Offline VuduVee

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 04:00:27 PM »
vuduvee-AlBundy in game

Offline Copprhed

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 04:09:57 PM »
I am absolutely terrified, and absolutely IN! Copprhed/Copprhed   Good luck all, and thanks for your effort, BE.
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Wingman: "Roger, It's 1:30 now, what do I do 'til then?"

Offline waystin2

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2013, 04:13:59 PM »


Good luck Gentlemen. :aok

CO for the Pigs On The Wing
& The nicest guy in Aces High!

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2013, 04:14:26 PM »
I just realized that in the final round there may be two players who have flown through unbeaten.  In order to meet the double elimination guidelines I will add a Finalist Contingency Round Two (if needed).  I'm also going to allow an extra week for the players to complete the second contingency round for the championship at their discretion.  This will be added to the final rules and initial brackets.

While I don't expect it to happen a 21 duel three series final between the two best pilots would be awsome.

I'm also going to tweak the language for the contingency rounds to read:  In that case the contestants shall immediately fight the contingency round with the winner of that round advancing.

I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline JOACH1M

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Re: 10th Aces High Bracket Championship Dueling Tournament *SIGN UP HERE*
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2013, 04:16:29 PM »
In , ingame is joach1m as well
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