Author Topic: CV Change - Designated Vehicles Spawn  (Read 343 times)

Offline EagleDNY

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CV Change - Designated Vehicles Spawn
« on: February 03, 2013, 02:36:01 PM »
So here is an idea that might make for some interesting gameplay, and it may help solve the problem of people driving CV groups right up on the beach.  Allow the commander of the CV group to set the Vehicle Spawn point for his group.   All LVTs and PT Boats would spawn at this point, and this point would remain fixed (like a waypoint) until either the CV commander changes it, or the CV moves too far away.   

1.  The vehicle spawn would have to be set to some point within radar range of the CV.
2.  The vehicle spawn would have to be in the WATER since this is an amphibious landing, and could be set to any point

1.  If your vehicle spawn is in the radar ring of an enemy, your landing is opposed and the vehicles (and PT boats) spawn in the water off the beach.  You have to drive in and make the amphibious landing, although now you at least have some AAA support from the PT boats that spawn in with you.  I would suggest a spawn distance offshore of at least 500-600 yards - representing a 5-6 minute swim by an LVT at 3 knots.   
2.  If your vehicle spawn is outside the radar ring of an enemy (i.e. neutral or friendly territory), your LVT spawns in at the shoreline (your landing is unopposed) and PT boats spawn in offshore (as in an opposed landing).  This allows for better resupply of your country's bases via the CV group since your LVTs don't have to swim to shore. 

Benefits to gameplay:
The CV commander actually gets to PLAN an amphibious landing instead of being slaved to some random spawn generation that you don't have any control over - you can designate "Beach Red" and set the movement of your CV group to support a landing there. 

I'd also suggest coupling this with an update to the shore batteries that I gave in another thread - replace the limited firing arc heavy bunker with the 6" turret mounted shore battery that the British used, so that the easily reached beaches near the towns have adequate cover. 

The overall effect - some heavy duty amphibious fighting.