Many fine AH citizens and some well respected sticks have piped up in this thread. It appears that you are trying to bolster the DA, Copperhed , and that is your perogitive. You have stated that its hard to find fights or the majority are runners, and at times this may seem like the case. I am putting it out to you, instead of trying to get some of these Vets to "Give it another try". Come and fly with some of us, Im sure that several of the posters in this thread would be more than happy to have you tag along for a few days/ weeks. I dont believe one of the posters is a "runner" and I have fought nearly all of them at one time or another (lost more then I have won). There is alwasy a furball somewhere in the MA (whether you want to dive headlong into it and expect to come out unscathed is another matter entirely.). Anyway the offer is open from me and my squaddies. (we fly rook) and Im on pretty much every night from 5:30 PST onward.