Author Topic: Lusches AH Stats Megathread  (Read 106654 times)

Offline Lusche

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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #570 on: August 26, 2014, 02:06:11 PM »
Oh, it's a helluva plane if your BnZ is refined enough to utilize it, but it can get in trouble a lot easier than a pony if you push it too hard IMO.

You can much easier get out of most kind of trouble than the 51 just by pushing the throttle forward.  :airplane:

It's like a baby 262 with easier guns and a much better maneuverability. And like the 262, any would-be Tempest killer is better looking for some sound altitude advantage for some additional smash.
A Tempest can seesaw through any furball, accept a turnfight against the more common jabo rides and escape quite easy things get rough. There's a reason I have more kills in the Tempest than in any other plane  :noid

In the end, the Temp is almost every year leading the K/D charts. Not also ahead of the 262, but also way ahead of the F4U-4 or F4U-C. By the way, it's 2013 K/D vs the F4U-4 (the so called 'best fighter of AH') was at an impressive 2.1!

« Last Edit: August 26, 2014, 02:08:48 PM by Lusche »
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #571 on: August 26, 2014, 02:33:27 PM »
Can't argue with that. :)

I'm more than willing to concede that it's the operator in my case.  I've probably got less than twenty hours in the Tempest over my entire AH career.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #572 on: August 26, 2014, 06:52:40 PM »
OFF hours Part II -

I just dug up my activity track of August 2012, two years ago. So I was able to directly compare the distribution of activity in LW arena, measured by plane kills&deaths, for the same month in different years.
The result matched and surpassed my earlier findings

In short:
US Prime (US evening - Euro late night/early morning) -30%  to -35% plane kills&deaths
Euro Prime (US noon)  -40% to -50%
Euro noon (US late night/early morning, Australian evening) -50% to -70% 

In August 2012 peak plane (k+d) was about 7-8 times higher than during offpeak, in August 2012 it's about 12-13 times as much.

It's obvious that while overall combat activity is shrinking, it's also more and more concentrating on US primetime, possible creating a "runaway" effect.

Note #1: The numbers above can't be converted "to players online" directly. With fewer players online, the kill/death numbers can also sink disproportionally because of the longer transit times, and lower chances to find something to shoot at.

Note #2: I excluded GV (technically GV vs Gv combat only), because pure GV (tank) combat is very much depending on terrains being up during a particular time frame. Thus numbers are jumping more erratically, making comparisons of this kind quite difficult. A map like the recently introduced CraterMa greatly boost tank kill numbers without having significantly more people in tanks at all.
In contrast to this, plane combat data is much less impacted by the maps being up.
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #573 on: September 01, 2014, 05:41:03 AM »
Map uptimes August 2014

Another tiny byproduct ;)

Missing from the chart are Mindanao, which was up for about 1 day at the start of the tour, and FesterMa, which is still running.
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #574 on: September 01, 2014, 12:40:47 PM »
Map uptimes August 2014

Another tiny byproduct ;)

(Image removed from quote.)

Missing from the chart are Mindanao, which was up for about 1 day at the start of the tour, and FesterMa, which is still running.
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #575 on: September 03, 2014, 02:17:06 PM »
Fighter airframes with multiple versions

Motivated by some remarks in this thread I thought I'm going to post a little analysis on the distribution of 'usage' between the individual sub types of each fighter frame family in AH.

I grouped all fighters sharing the same D800+ icon tag:

Except for the Yak, which I simply forgot  :lol
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #576 on: September 03, 2014, 02:36:33 PM »
No KI luv  :uhoh

i get it, 100% is a boring stat  :D
« Last Edit: September 03, 2014, 02:38:07 PM by Aspen »
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #577 on: September 03, 2014, 02:37:45 PM »
No KI luv  :uhoh

We have any "Ki's" based on the same airfraime and sharing the same long distance icon?
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #578 on: September 03, 2014, 02:38:54 PM »
No.  Me read slow and comprehend slower
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #579 on: September 03, 2014, 02:49:32 PM »
Fighter airframes with multiple versions

Motivated by some remarks in this thread I thought I'm going to post a little analysis on the distribution of 'usage' between the individual sub types of each fighter frame family in AH.

I grouped all fighters sharing the same D800+ icon tag:

(Image removed from quote.)

Except for the Yak, which I simply forgot  :lol

Since the #2 plane - the Spit XVI (99,001) and the #3 plane - the La-7 (94,121) are both generally considered EZ mode,  Doesn't it figure that the #1 plane -the P-51D (171,047) is not all that difficult to succeed in?   The OP in that other thread will still ignore any in-game evidence presented that proves the P-51D fits the definition of a "Late War Monster".
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #580 on: September 03, 2014, 03:33:31 PM »
P-51 is very easy. I upped on the other day and landed 6 kills without even really trying. same with the 190D9.

had to take a long bath after those sorties
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #581 on: February 14, 2015, 02:08:35 PM »
Is it another year already?  :noid

Ok, some data trickling in...

Pure tank vs tank combat counted exclusively.

Even more than with planes, the nature of GV combat in AH causes highly perked tanks to be used way more cautiously than their lower and non perked counterparts. Keep that in mind.  :old:
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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #582 on: February 22, 2015, 11:43:41 AM »

This chart shows fighter planes air to air kills-deaths. In that way, you can see the in some way the 'impact' a particular fighter has on the air combat. (It's basically a condensed version of my standard 'fighter galaxy' chart like the one I did for tanks above. I will post that version at a later point)

Can you spot the incredible Brewster? ;)  :bolt:

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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #583 on: February 22, 2015, 01:39:35 PM »
lol the "incredible" Brewster is still doing much better than the poor P38L...
I still remember times when the B-3.. I mean P-38L was a respectable fighter.

Look at the mossie VI! right there with the same impact as the N1K & Typhoon, and only one notch below the Yak3  :rofl  :aok
WTG bugfighters!
Mosquito VI - twice the spitfire, four times the ENY.

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Re: Lusches AH Stats Megathread
« Reply #584 on: February 22, 2015, 02:00:09 PM »
The Seafire surprised me the most that it is so low on the list.  A super plane around a carrier.