Alphabet does not equal language. Alphabet is just the character set. Whether you use the Latin alphabet or the FUTHARK, the English language is still the English language. It has no influence on grammar, vocabulary, morphology, etc.
Unfortunately, English grammar got royally screwed up by the influx of Norman French to the point that it's lost most of what it had in common with the other Germanic languages. Word order in most Germanic languages doesn't usually matter because of how words are conjugated. Dative, Genetive, and Nominative all have different endings so phrases still make sense regardless of the word order. Modern English loses all of those case endings. Oh, and then there's how articles and verbs have to agree with the case and number (singular/plural) of the word to which they belong (good god, there's about a thousand ways of conjugating "the" in German. Die, das, der, den, dem...
). That's not even getting into word gender, which other Germanic languages retain but Modern English drops...