If Steam ever sends me a survey I hope there's an "Additional Comments" field. And then I can tell them:
"PC games should come in a BOX with physical media so I'm not reliant on anyone's servers to play a single-player game I spent my hard-earned money on."
I fully understand what his issue is here. I have purchased exactly one steam game. While installing it it would not load without an internet connection. After installing it it would not load without downloading a 250+ megabyte upgrade / patch. Since I am on satellite and bandwidth limited that's a no go. I contacted steam and after the usual form response "solution" sent in a clarification. The response was that in order to even install it and play off line it was mandatory that I make an online account, register the game online and complete the upgrade. No ifs ands or buts about it. When I tried to get additional info they again replied that the game will not function until and unless I complete the download and thanks for spending your money. I'll grant you they were "polite" but they did not take care of the issue so I could use what I paid for and could not return for a refund.
This game wasn't expensive so I'm not totally bent about it but I won't buy another either. When I buy a box game that is for off line play and the instructions on the box do not state that an internet connection is mandatory I do expect it to work as a stand alone game. Maybe this one game was the mythical 1% out of the system that won't but it was enough for me to forget about ever again trying their back door requirements.
Nope I do not "coad", I do not bother with hacks or security breach patches. I just expect something to operate as advertised. If some consider me a luddite because of that, then that's not my problem.