Be a Hero-It's Squad Night!!!
Tonight we Pigs will be the heros for the Knights. Caped crusaders with incredible pork powers! There is Bacon-Man with the incredible power of tasting real good on anything, the Ribbinator who can literally make anyones fingers really sticky with great tasting barbecue sauce, Pork Chop can crush a Bishop or Rook with a single shot from his powerful karate hooves, Hamhawk who has the power to appear from nowhere underneath an opponent and vaporize them with his signature Serengeti manuever, or Syko Pig....well he is just really Psycho (which is pretty scary right?). We will be sort of like the Justice League, but muddier, smellier, little drunker and the super powers are not quite as cool. Anyway, the fun starts at 8 PM EST and lasts until Lawndart starts showing off his Justin Bieber tattoo again.
See you Pigs tonight!

Visitors are always welcome. PM me here or ingame for the Pigs vox channel.