It's Squad Night!!!
Fellas it's that most special time of the week. Put on your nicest t-shirt and jeans, your bestest socks and underwear, maybe some shoes, and come join your fellow swine in the melee arena for some fun at the red icon guys expense. We will fly some fighter sweeps, some attack sorties, some, what the hell kind of idea was that flights, and some let's go see what that red dar is sorties. There will be bombers to burn, ships to sink and GV's to blow up. Chaos will reign and Pigs will be right at home in the middle of it. The fun starts at 8 PM EST and lasts until Semp and Junky argue over who has the best tramp stamp. See you guys up there!

Visitors and friends are always welcome. PM me here or ingame for the Pigs vox channel.