A repost from Razor in Facebook:
PIG PARTY!!!!!!!! FRIDAY, August 7th!!!!! We'll start getting on the channel at 8PM Eastern time and really start the party at 9PM eastern time. We'll be saying so long to some of the best squaddies in Aces High, but not in life as some will be moving on. But that is ok and we will be sticking together in other places, like Arma 3 where all Pigs are welcome to have fun with the other Pigs. But getting back to the Pig Party. We'll burning perkies like there is no tomorrow. Rolling bases in Tiger II's, Bombing CV's with 5 sets of 29's, Arado bombing runs, Tempest and C-Hog binging. We'll do it all. Make sure you get the word out. All Pigs current and former welcomed to this one night of perkie splurging and telling war stories, Get your snacks and aiming fluid all set up, it will be the funnest thing you do all year with your clothes on!!!