So do I...
So think about this thread ...tho it is rife with ankle magnets ....I think you will see my postion.... which I still see as correct and Stand near it.,322505.0.html
A second more of my own time 
You like Lamb too?,
I do see your position. I wanted to give an impression of what impact 14 planes may
have on the game in a practical and logical succession - with sources and or reasoning
for each. Though some were my personal desire, most were comprised of recent wishes
in the forum (with the exception of your favorite French and Romanian - Or Czech or
Swiss or Duchy of Grand Fenwick out of control requests). It's up to 18, now that it's
become a thread of 'Hey! You forgot .... ' . You want to add every plane from every
nation that flew without any regard of what should be added first or even why. You just
keep waiving the French flag (then dozens of others). Sorry, like I said, I don't support
crazy. I won't ask HTC for something that just sounds foolish. Come back to Earth and
let's talk. It should be evident in this thread that where there's room for reason there's
room for compromise.
You mean sheep, dontcha?