Fundamentally the Strat idea is fine, it just needs some fine tuning. As it is now its way to easy to take down, and too difficult to defend. 
it looks pretty well defended from the air,,a round trip takes three hours to get B-29s up to alt and then over target,,then a carpet of ack greets me,31000 feet of alt makes no difference,, it is laid out so that it can't be taken out in one or two passes ,,instead your flying around for pass after pass, in the ack, recalibrateing every time you change directions,, fighters and rocket planes buzz around like pesky Mosquitos trying to take a bite out of your backside at every turn,,,, then ,,if your still alive comes the long trip home, engines smoking or shut down completely ,flaps and rudders shot off, if your lucky you might still have one working aileron and you think it's to easy?
Then there's the NOE fighters chasing you back to base to kill you rather than fight you in the air,, yes that is why we fly with a full load of fuel thank you!
It's not to easy, it takes a lot of devotion to set in for one flight that lasts three hours and in reality,,, it's a blast,, when you are done your tired, if you had lots of contact, your palms are sweaty and your nerves are shot,, ths Oclub ( patio for a smoke) is the answer!!
Now if you want to add more stuff to blow up,,, I'm all for it!!!