I've been playing about 6 months now and have finally gotten past the point of a baby seal (but not by much). The three new players I talked into the 2 week trial over the past 6 months didn't make it. They were seal clubbed out of the game.
I still think if there were an intermediate arena where new players could enjoy the game in the absence of the uber players it would be used and HTC would keep a lot more newbies who could evolve into good players. Maybe restrict an intermediate arena to players with a k/d less than 1 or 1.5 or something along those lines that would exclude the top 20% of players that appear to be so dominate. Player stats reset each month, but even if the uber players came down to the intermediate arena to club seals their k/d ratio would keep them out within a day or two after the start of a new tour.
HTC would have to figure it out, but I'm sure they could come up with an intermediate arena fairly easily if they thought it was a good idea.
How long would it take for that K/D to bubble to the surface though? If it's immediate, suppose on the first of the month, a newbie ups on his first sortie into the right situation, flies over to a deacked field and gets a few vulches and lands them. Does he then get punted for having too good of a K/D? If it's only going to be calculated daily or whatever, that runs into another problem.
Based on what I've seen, if it's going to happen, getting frustrated happens over a pretty short timespan. If you spend an evening getting clubbed repeatedly, it can be supremely frustrating. Suppose a vet logs in and goes in there knowing he has 24 hours to club people all he likes once a month. How do you set up a system that avoids the first scenario above that doesn't allow for this one?
Also, if you happen to be the 'man with one eye in the land of the blind' and you happen to be a newb with style and get your K/D up, it would boot you out even though you really don't know much of anything. You go into the MA, and you're still fodder.
How does that improve the situation?
Any attempt to create a beginners arena is effectively pointless. Any way you cut it, coming into the MA you're going to have a bad time at first. It's just the nature of the game.
Just as why I was thinking that HTC probably did some development already on combat tour, AI drones included. It wouldn't probably take a big effort to create an offline practicing arena with AI.
...Couldn't they just add a 'training' menu option when you start the game that has some offline missions that were a bit more engaging than the 4 planes flying in a circle over the base? Seems like something that would be cake to put together, there's probably enough missions that could be used from the people in the offline missions forum right now.