The R-1830 is a suitable sound for the R-2600. They're both 14-cylinder engines with similar schematics. Until I find some reasonable source material for the 2600, it'll have to do. That being said, I found better source material for the R-1820, and have completed a separate Wright R-1820 pack. Some minor updates and such of previous packs is already underway. What does this mean?
Wind sound effects! I'm debating whether or not to mix in the wind sounds with the engine sounds at a low db level, as AH's sound engine doesn't really display wind effects properly. I'll see how they mix before I make a decision. Also on the table?
Junkers Jumo 004 sounds are nearing completion. Source material is still needed for the Argus As 10 (used in the Fi 156) and the Wright R-3350, so I've yet to begun work on those engines.