Author Topic: "Final Countdown" achievment  (Read 2216 times)

Offline Franz Von Werra

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"Final Countdown" achievment
« on: July 03, 2013, 12:50:04 PM »
Good idea Devil505

Final Countdown movie, shoot down two zekes with an F-14 tomcat?

How about substituting in our B-25, has the same lines... obvious lineage, seriously...
I don't know how to post images yet, especially from my phone! :-P
Front view especially the inner wings totally then how outer swoop, the tricycle gear, double tail, double engine, its in wings out position.

Someone post please! B-25

Shoot down two zekes with a B-25 that you have to up from a CV, has to be the guns in nose version too!  Bam, achievement!

And have to land it back on CV or be "Stuck In Past Forever" achievment!  :lol
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 12:53:59 PM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

Offline Karnak

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 10:21:07 PM »
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Offline MK-84

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2013, 10:41:17 PM »
Totally looks the same.

But yes!!!

Fun ones, silly ones, I would like to see more of those.  So far we can only get 3 seconds air in a jeep.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2013, 10:43:21 PM by MK-84 »

Offline Franz Von Werra

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2013, 08:04:36 PM »

« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 08:15:08 PM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

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Offline Babalonian

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2013, 05:08:20 PM »
Good idea Devil505

Final Countdown movie, shoot down two zekes with an F-14 tomcat?

How about substituting in our B-25, has the same lines... obvious lineage, seriously...
I don't know how to post images yet, especially from my phone! :-P
Front view especially the inner wings totally then how outer swoop, the tricycle gear, double tail, double engine, its in wings out position.

Someone post please! B-25

Shoot down two zekes with a B-25 that you have to up from a CV, has to be the guns in nose version too!  Bam, achievement!

And have to land it back on CV or be "Stuck In Past Forever" achievment!  :lol

. . . . .   :confused:   :huh

Even useing the navy PBJ:

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Offline Zacherof

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2013, 03:17:11 AM »
God the F14 is just sext
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #7 on: September 06, 2013, 07:17:49 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

Maybe if I were to close both eyes and have someone hit me in the head with a sledgehammer, I might see the similarities between the Tomcat and the Mitchell.   :rolleyes:

Anyway, not a very well thought out wish for an achievement.

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Offline Franz Von Werra

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2013, 08:40:40 AM »
B-25 first flight 1940, introduced 1941
F-14 first flight 1970, introduded 1974

Both planes have a single fuelsalage.
Both have two engines attached to sides, prop can't get closer unless its a jet engine.
F-14 has props too, tiny ones, to feed the jet engines, turbo style.
Both have verticle stabalizers directly behind the engines.
Landing gear - both tricycle with rear wheels in engine nacels.
Both have the wings, front and back, basically up top, with rest of plane under, except front nose part.
B-25 - 53 length, 62 width, 16 height
F-14 - 62 length, 64 width, 16 height (subtract pointy nose, then close)
Wings both extend drooping similar.
Wings in about same spots, f-14 just has more swept back wings like 262 style.

F-14 is 575mi combat radius, 1840mi ferry range
B-25 is 1350mi range. So about same.

They both have lots of firepower.
Rear guns could be considered chaffs and flares...
6 crews vs 2 crews and computers.

Both seem like long range air superiority fighters...
If put guns in nose package on b25, and no bombs, similar performance styles..

No neither one is so turny like a zeke or f-5 or f-16.
Same same!

« Last Edit: September 08, 2013, 09:37:17 AM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

Offline Shifty

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2013, 09:40:00 AM »
Jebus, what a crock.  :lol

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Offline Franz Von Werra

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2013, 12:08:22 AM »
Btw, I was a jet-fighter fan before a prop-fighter fan. My favorite was the original F-18 Hornet, which was the other US Navy fighter plane. So, yes, I've known the F-14 lines for a long time.
Even before Aces High, the first time I actually got a good look at a b-25, I said to myself... "that's a descendent!" at air shows...
Considering 30 years between the types, and difference in engines, elevators are all one piece, swing wings too, etc etc.... yes different! DUH!

Just the same, this might be news to you guys, but its old news to me! The b-25 is the father, if not grandfather, of the f-14.
you guys are a bunch a NOOOBS!!!  :rofl :bolt: :noid

« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 12:11:48 AM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

Offline Bear76

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2013, 07:48:46 PM »
Btw, I was a jet-fighter fan before a prop-fighter fan. My favorite was the original F-18 Hornet, which was the other US Navy fighter plane. So, yes, I've known the F-14 lines for a long time.
Even before Aces High, the first time I actually got a good look at a b-25, I said to myself... "that's a descendent!" at air shows...
Considering 30 years between the types, and difference in engines, elevators are all one piece, swing wings too, etc etc.... yes different! DUH!

Just the same, this might be news to you guys, but its old news to me! The b-25 is the father, if not grandfather, of the f-14.
you guys are a bunch a NOOOBS!!!  :rofl :bolt: :noid

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Offline Fulcrum

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2013, 08:04:02 PM »
Heh...this thread reminded me of a question I've always wondered about that movie: would the heat sensor of the late 70s / early 80s sidewinder (AIM-9Ls I think...don't quote me..the M may have been introduced by then) been sensitive enough to track the heat emissions from a Zeke?  I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, as I'm almost positive I read somewhere the Soviet made heat seakers used in Vietnam could track planes like the Skyraider....since the Atoll was basically a copy of early Sidewinders if they could do so later sidewinder models should be able to as well.

Of course the point is moot if someone tells me the F14 in the move used it's Phoenix radar guided missiles in that scene...

« Last Edit: September 10, 2013, 08:06:00 PM by Fulcrum »
Going by "Hoplite" now. :)

Offline Zacherof

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Re: "Final Countdown" achievment
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2013, 03:00:46 PM »
Heh...this thread reminded me of a question I've always wondered about that movie: would the heat sensor of the late 70s / early 80s sidewinder (AIM-9Ls I think...don't quote me..the M may have been introduced by then) been sensitive enough to track the heat emissions from a Zeke?  I'm pretty sure the answer is yes, as I'm almost positive I read somewhere the Soviet made heat seakers used in Vietnam could track planes like the Skyraider....since the Atoll was basically a copy of early Sidewinders if they could do so later sidewinder models should be able to as well.

Of course the point is moot if someone tells me the F14 in the move used it's Phoenix radar guided missiles in that scene...

Ive always wondered the same thing
In game name Xacherof
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