I think adding the Jagdtiger woundn t be a bad idea, because i see the game as a chalenge to compare diverent vehicles and airplanes with each other. Well using of the Jagdtiger will be realy hard in Aces High but thats why i want to try it some times :-).
in the other hand why not using the chalange of creating diverent vehicles of exsisting chasis, we will get faster more diverent vehicles. So the Jagdtiger, Sturmtiger, Brumbär or Hummel /Nashorn would be logikaly. The same counts for the T34 chasis, Su 85 would be logikaly next.
I knew its called Aces High, but implementing more gvs will bring some more people in the game because its easyer to learn and handel as Aircombat. Maybe, just a thought in a few years HT will creat a Account version were only the gvs will be for free and the full version with all kinds of aircrafts need to be payed. It maybe a chalange to keep the 2 weekers playing and after a wille thay will wenn thay learned the game thay become full players. Its just an idea how the future of AH will be positiv evected by more Ground vehicles.
cu christian