Pacific boxing match.
A medium to large 2-sided map that's mostly water with land in the upper left corner for one side, land in the lower right corner for the other side, three uncapturable bases and an uncapturable port in each side's corner. Three or four fleets on each side. An island in the middle with all sorts of capturable stuff (that's hard to capture without a large concerted effort). The Japanese side can field everything historically in their arsenal (plus every 'm' vehicle). The Allied side can launch all U.S. and British iron with the exception of heavies (plus every 'm' vehicle). No formations. Bear in mind that the land based aircraft may have quite a bit of territory to cover. Fleets are the hidden long arms of each side. This would be a 'semi-historical' generic ocean boxing ring event. Capturing the island should be a very difficult task (no map reset in any case). All fleets are sinkable. All fleet ack reduced.