Author Topic: $1.08/Hour and Rising  (Read 9583 times)

Offline BaldEagl

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$1.08/Hour and Rising
« on: August 08, 2013, 12:16:43 AM »
That's how much I've paid on average over the past six months to play AH.  Back when it was $0.50/day it seemed like a good deal.  Now not so much.

I admit I don't have as much time to play as I used to but now even when I do I don't.  Revisions to the game over the past several years have led to less things to do to within the game and despite the additions of new planes and vehicles it doesn't make up for the lack of gameplay options.

I fear my time is nearing the end although I'll likely stick around to play in BoB, the one event I've always wanted to play in but was never able.

I'm really torn over this.  I really never thought this day would come after 17 years in these games.  Anyway it's not here quite yet.  I hope to see you all for one last hurrah at BoB and who knows, I might still change my mind but the thoughts of leaving are becoming ever more frequent.

I don't expect anyone to beg me to stay, to say take a break or see you in two weeks.  I'm really just thinking out loud and I do want HT to know that decisions over the past several years are driving long time die hards like me from the game.  At the same time I suspect they really don't need my $14.95/mo. and could care less.

I hope I stay but at this point I'm not so sure that will happen.  Lots to think about between now and the end of September.
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline Brooke

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 01:03:31 AM »
But Air Warrior was $6/hour in 1990 dollars ($10.38/hour in 2012 dollars), so it's still a bargain!  ;)

I don't expect anyone to beg me to stay

I beg you to stay!  (Truly.)  I'm glad you'll get to fly in the Battle of Britain scenario -- maybe that will refresh a little.

Also, there are "This Day in WWII" events that are like little "scenario-light" events.  Have you given many of those a try?  The list of them is:

January 25, 1945: Battle of the Bulge
February 2, 1943: Battle of Stalingrad
March 7, 1942: Siege of Malta
April 18, 1942: Doolittle Raid
May 8, 1942: Battle of the Coral Sea
June 6, 1944: D-Day
July 9, 1943: Operation Husky 
August 13, 1940: Battle of Britain (Adlertag)
September 6, 1942: Battle of Milne Bay
October 14, 1943: Black Thursday 
November 8, 1942: Operation Torch
December 7, 1941: Pearl Harbor

Offline dedalos

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 01:21:50 AM »
I m a little confused on the math there. How did you come up with the 1.08?  Is that your ISP cost?
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Krusty

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 01:28:15 AM »
The price is the same regardless of how much you use it. Price per hour played isn't important, because the relaxation/enjoyment/escape of the time you DO use is well worth it, assuming you can pay the subscription cost.

It's really not about price per how much you play, but whether you still like the game WHEN you play.

Same goes for any subscription game.

Offline Citabria

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 01:34:47 AM »
AH hasn't changed you have. every time one of these posts come up lamenting this or that about the game I am reminded of the fact that almost all players even most of the long time ones burnout on a predictable cycle when they grow tired of a certain activity such as the game.

I view online air combat games as a form of chess and fundamentally this aspect of any game of this nature is unchanging.

you start your plane up takeoff climb find the enemy planes shoot at them and shoot them down or they shoot you down then you either quickly are back on the runway taking off to do it again if you lost the fight or you are rtb to land if you won.

this is an unchanging cycle of all air combat. it will not be changing any time soon in thise genre of entertainment. nuances and gimics will come and go but this is the bread and butter of where the variations of this cycle form the fundamental basis of what makes it so fun and entertaining.
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline BluBerry

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2013, 02:13:02 AM »
That's how much I've paid on average over the past six months to play AH.  Back when it was $0.50/day it seemed like a good deal.  Now not so much.

I admit I don't have as much time to play as I used to but now even when I do I don't.  Revisions to the game over the past several years have led to less things to do to within the game and despite the additions of new planes and vehicles it doesn't make up for the lack of gameplay options.

I fear my time is nearing the end although I'll likely stick around to play in BoB, the one event I've always wanted to play in but was never able.

I'm really torn over this.  I really never thought this day would come after 17 years in these games.  Anyway it's not here quite yet.  I hope to see you all for one last hurrah at BoB and who knows, I might still change my mind but the thoughts of leaving are becoming ever more frequent.

I don't expect anyone to beg me to stay, to say take a break or see you in two weeks.  I'm really just thinking out loud and I do want HT to know that decisions over the past several years are driving long time die hards like me from the game.  At the same time I suspect they really don't need my $14.95/mo. and could care less.

I hope I stay but at this point I'm not so sure that will happen.  Lots to think about between now and the end of September.

Well I for one would hate to lose you.

Offline Slash27

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 02:34:01 AM »
I m a little confused on the math there. How did you come up with the 1.08?  Is that your ISP cost?
He's applying his actual time spent playing to the monthly fee. So if he played one hour this tour AH is costing $14.95 a hour to play.

I think that's what he meant. I'm more gooder at grammar than math really.

BE, take good long break. I pretty much took over a year off aside from DGS II and came back last month. I'm really enjoying the game again.

Offline MrKrabs

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 02:46:32 AM »
I have no life... This is pretty much the only reason I have internet...
The boiling pot is put away and the crab has gone back to sea...

Offline Franz Von Werra

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 03:04:02 AM » was 14.95/month and could play other games too. Like 'Legends of Kesmai' and 'Magestorm.'

These days I'm not in game as much anymore either. I like FSO but rarely available at those times and I don't like the altered icon ranges in FSO by the way too.
I wish the MA had fuel-burn was 1x, with Icons left as normal in MA, then, in my opinion, the game would be BETTER than FSO, every day at all times, except late night when there has never been many players on.  I just get tired of flying to the nearest field and wind up either flying through base ack, or running into my own.
Mein Gott, make fuel burn 1x!!! PLEASE! Aces Low! :/

Frustrated with what I call 'bugs' not getting fixed.
*410 always nosing down (till low fuel).
*410 breaking parts if do anything, at 22,000 lbs, I believ it would be stronger than most wind. So can't turn, can't speed away even if have E, and can't shoot back, Can't aim its cannons, especially the long range one, nosing down. Just get hunted down easy by even lower E targets.
JUST TAKE THE 410 out of the game.
*410 having GOOFY INTERFACE for back seat... game needs to be able to scoot head and aim anywhere the range goes from ONE station. To be able to turn head to all views from the center one, including looking down into the cockpit and seeing the gun-sight even though its pointed down, scoot head to left to see. Retarded when fast action enemy plane behind us. As is, we can't look down from center, can't look up from sides... why are the views interfering with the controls?
*410 as consistent with other planes of the type, should be able to scoot head way up to see over nose, CAN'T, wth!
*190s roll seems exaggerated, its weight too considering the stall characteristics. While its speed and turn are exaggeratedly cut to nothing. Climb exaggeratedly cut to nothing also. Thanks for the uber ROLL.
*190s always nosing up - major issues aiming. (regardless of fuel).
*190a8 not getting lightened - it wasn't that much of a tub - if pull back at all it stalls and falls left, at slow to mid speed.
*190a8 breaking wings if pull back high speed, even at high weight which was in structural strength, and being known for built strong. In here its dammed at any speed.
So pulling back in an a8 either causes it to roll left, or break wings... great.
*ta152 possibly being the only plane in game that gets in death fall from 20k with next to no chance of coming out of it.
*ta152 being most fragile plane in game I think, and were sposed to go to 30k to fight a b29 with it?
*he111 GOOFY INTERFACE that can't get a gun pointed to a decent arch. WTH, pilot was right there to help turn.
*he111 Has sad face pilots? How insulting, plane did well enough in other fronts, no bomber survives enemy fighters.
*Stuka, before upgrade, was also extremely insulting, but it go fixed some, still it has those 7.9mm guns at front.
*109 taters such issues that can't hit easy shots, sometimes rare make a tuff shot. Screw taters unless have 'aim bot.'
*109 no g10 - fastest one with 20mm's that can hit stuff.  
*109 gets 150x20mm round option, anyone use this? WE ALL PUT 200x rounds. We get the 'less option.'
*109 g6, the slower turnier one that might actually do better with taters... gets no tater option. We don't get 'more option.'
*109 seems to have all the lower engine packages. No top 109 models like g10, and lower performance engines on all.
*109 all, specially the k4, seems like TUBS, do they also have the 190a8 FATSO syndrome?
*109e seems like its speed and roll were taken away and given extra turny powerz.
We all know the spit is sposed to be turnier, but I never heard faster. And 109e roll rate sux worst in game.
*Ju88 has pingy amo ONLY. I think its amo did better than it does or they would have switched it out. Again wonderful choice for which model to put in game.
*262 can't see forward-up view (even with pilots head having full freedom movement)... WTH, throw the plane away.
Just take the 262 out of the game. I don't fly it, tons of fighter perks, if I do its just to go ho something.
*177 doesn't exist in here so no large luft bomber. Only allied easy targets instead.
*110 never mind this thing. I don't see why the pilot can't see backwards at all, can't scoot, all the metal in the way. It had better view than an F6F or a F4U, telling you what! This is like the old stuka, BLINDED BACKWARD VIEW. Pilots head was way below the headrest pad.

Summary, Luft planes IN HERE are disgusting, only one I can stand to fly is the g6.
190's are chased by every noob's first choice of what to attack, known 'easy targets.'
410's are chased even before 190s.
109s are known to be 'less than' any other fighter plane in game in all respects', unless taters using auto-fire aimbot.
Only case of 'better' is the extra tubby K4 being able to outrun a spit16.

109s and 190s were out-numbered, not out-classed.
18% of America is German-Americans, largest ethinic group in whole country.
On behalf of all of them I say, booo!    :frown:
Fix all this and even I might be inviting some of them to come play. I know bunches of them.

Franz Von Werra, a guy with extra faith and extra patience.
I still pay my stuff too, and I might have less hours than BaldEagl.
Also, I mostly ran out of Luftwaffe fighter plane historic achievements, sigh.

I agree with what Fester says, but I have zero morale due to 'bugs' and 'biases' that I don't even care to try at all. Just go turn burn ho and log.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2013, 03:25:29 AM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

Offline Lusche

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 03:27:44 AM »
Summary, Luft planes IN HERE are disgusting, only one I can stand to fly is the g6.
190's are chased by every noob's first choice of what to attack, known 'easy targets.'
410's are chased even before 190s.
109s are known to be 'less than' any other fighter plane in game in all respects', unless taters using auto-fire aimbot.
Only case of 'better' is the extra tubby K4 being able to outrun a spit16.

109s and 190s were out-numbered, not out-classed.

Steam: DrKalv
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Offline Zacherof

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2013, 03:36:36 AM »

(Image removed from quote.)

statistics don't lie.
And btw fraz, how far away are you using the tater to shoot at?
I'm not the best tater shooter but I know if I get In close around 200 hards it really hard to not miss.
190A5 can turn, maybe not like a zeke bit it can turn

and I've never noticed the nose up on the 190.
Never had an issue with snapping wings off A8 at high speeds.
A5 yes but the g-forces involved were extreme. How hard you pulling that stick at high speeds?
In game name Xacherof
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Offline Citabria

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2013, 04:02:06 AM »
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.

I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.

I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault.
It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault.
 It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.JUST TAKE THE 410 out of the game.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.*410 as consistent with other planes of the type, should be able to scoot head way up to see I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault. I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.

I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.
I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.

Franz Von Werra, a guy with extra faith and extra patience.

I agree with what Fester says, I am bad at air combat and it's not my fault it's the planes fault. It's your fault. It's the games fault.

having a bit of fun at your expense here franz :)
Fester was my in game name until September 2013

Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #12 on: August 08, 2013, 04:17:24 AM »
That's how much I've paid on average over the past six months to play AH.  Back when it was $0.50/day it seemed like a good deal.  Now not so much.

I admit I don't have as much time to play as I used to but now even when I do I don't.  Revisions to the game over the past several years have led to less things to do to within the game and despite the additions of new planes and vehicles it doesn't make up for the lack of gameplay options.

I fear my time is nearing the end although I'll likely stick around to play in BoB, the one event I've always wanted to play in but was never able.

I'm really torn over this.  I really never thought this day would come after 17 years in these games.  Anyway it's not here quite yet.  I hope to see you all for one last hurrah at BoB and who knows, I might still change my mind but the thoughts of leaving are becoming ever more frequent.

I don't expect anyone to beg me to stay, to say take a break or see you in two weeks.  I'm really just thinking out loud and I do want HT to know that decisions over the past several years are driving long time die hards like me from the game.  At the same time I suspect they really don't need my $14.95/mo. and could care less.

I hope I stay but at this point I'm not so sure that will happen.  Lots to think about between now and the end of September.

I hear ya, havent played a second for months, yet pay the sub. IF one day I'd like to log in...
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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2013, 06:18:25 AM »

You sound like a skipping record Schlowy.

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Re: $1.08/Hour and Rising
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2013, 06:56:45 AM »
You sound like a skipping record Schlowy.


I love this guy...
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