At 5600kg it would need to be perked, no ifs, ands or buts. Unperked and it would be so far above every other free heavy bomber that there'd be little reason to use any other heavy except for personal reasons, the same as somebody picking a P-40 now.
You can say "Sure, but the P-40 doesn't get things perked to protect it being a viable choice." and you'd be right, but you'd also be ignoring the larger picture. There any many competitive fighters which are not perked, Bf109G-14, Bf109K-4, Fw190D-9, F4U-1, F4U-1A, F4U-1D, F6F-5, Ki-84-Ia, La-5FN, La-7, N1K2-J, P-38J, P-38L, P-47M, P-47N, P-51B, P-51D, Spitfire Mk VIII, Spitfire Mk XIV, Spitfire Mk XVI, Ta152H-1, Typhoon Mk I, Yak-3 and Yak-9U are all within the ballpark.
In comparison there are only three unperked heavy bombers, each offering tradeoffs when measured against each other, the B-17G, B-24J and Lancaster Mk III. The He177A-5 would make it four, and if it doesn't overwhelm the other three that would be great as more choices is better, but if it does overwhelm the others, or even just two of them, it would be bad as it would reduce choice. If it has a 3000-3500kg bomb load then it would probably offer a genuine fourth choice, but much more than that and it starts encroaching on the B-24J and Lancaster Mk III still being genuine choices. 5600kgs and I suspect that even the B-17G might not offer enough to be a genuine choice anymore.
When I say "genuine choice" I mean something that somebody who was completely neutral about the four bombers might pick for one sortie or another based on the given sortie profile. Somebody who doesn't care at all about the USAAF, RAF or Luftwaffe fanboi rivalry in the game, who doesn't care about the way each plane looks and just wants the best plane for the job at hand. Right now, depending on the situation, the answer can be the B-17G, or it can be the B-24J and it can be the Lancaster Mk III. It would be very nice to see the He177A-5 added to that list. It would be unfortunate to see the He177A-5 remove one or more of them from the list. One would be tolerable, more would not.
I'd like to see the H8K2 with its 2000kgs of bombs, five 20mm cannons defending and high durability, fast climb added to the list too.