I am told that from time to time, people in here like to read things and think about things other than whines and etc, so, here are a few questions to ponder!
#1- Why did Consolidated put 2 vertical stabs and 2 rudders on their B-24 aircraft?
#2- Why did the B-24 have "desk" top, roll up bomb day doors?
#3- On the B-17G, there is a glass dome just in front of the wind shield, what is it for and how is it used.
#4- What does the term: "just returned from IRAN" mean?
#5- All commercial aviation in the U.S. flies under 2 FAR's, part 121 and part 135. Which aircraft flies under which FAR?
#6- If you start a left turn in a B-29, B-17, JU-88, HElll, or a B-24, with ailerons only, which way will the aircraft's nose turn first and why?
#7- There is an antenna just in front of the glass dome on the B-17, shaped like a boomerang, what is it and how is it used?
#8- There is an antenna running from the top of the dorsal area to the top of the vertical stabilizer, what is it and what is it for? (actually, 2 wires)
#9- Why did the P-47 jugs, in Italy, have a history of runway over runs due to brake failure and what was the cure?
#10- Just below the copilots window, along the lower side of the fuseledge of the B-17, there is a "bullet" shaped object. What is it and how is it used?