In continuing on my points above, about INSIDE convergence shooting, the aim point is HIGHER in close, especially in a Corsair. Here are two screenshots taken from practicing this against offline drones.
Note that in this first shot, at convergence (325 yards), the aim point is relatively level (just above the wingtip), but to the left to account for the 30-degree bank of the offline drones. This shot will hit the left wing root and cockpit (likely a pilot kill).

In this second shot, at INSIDE convergence (163 yards), the required aim point is higher. Less lead to the left is required also due to the closer range. In this shot, it appears you are aiming high, but the TWO bullet streams are BELOW your pipper. This shot will actually hit the spit in each wing root and should saw off both wings.

One thing that is useful for learning to shoot with wing-mounted guns in REALLY close (useful for both BnZ and close in knife-fighting) is knowing where your TWO bullet streams are, so you can hit reliably with just ONE bank of guns, even though the other bullet stream is missing. I think what happens when firing in really close is that people try to "center" their shot, which causes both streams to miss, instead of just aiming for ONE bullet stream to hit. I call this practicing "one wing shooting" (for wing-mounted gun planes).
Just another thing to practice.
Remember practice doesn't necessarily make perfect. PERFECT PRACTICE makes perfect. That means knowing how and what to practice is as important as doing it. There are some VERY good points already mentioned by others in this tread about that as well.