Author Topic: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack  (Read 1804 times)

Offline mechanic

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Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« on: September 26, 2013, 05:55:06 AM »
It is becoming more and more clear to me that the biggest factor in the lack of equal sided furballs is that one side always pushes in to the other's field and then invariably the team on the back foot loses numbers quite fast. Half the fighters may remain for a while defending the vulch but after a short period of getting dogpiled and shot on the runway leaves the defending team down to one or two players while the attackers may have upwards of twenty players fighting each other for the easy scalps.

The disillusioned defenders then move off to another base and start their own vulch fest. So now we have 50 players all avoiding each other and whining about ack hugging and manned ack dweebs.

The old days did not actually have that many more players who 'wanted the good fight' in my view. It was the base puffy ack that held off the attackers from furballing so close to the field unless they really intended to push in for the capture.

At the moment we have land grabbers AND furballers pushing right into the enemy's field and creating poor gameplay in general.

There are two solutions I can see. One of them involves us policing our own behaviour. We could, as furballers and fighter type pilots, hold back and wait for the enemy in the middle ground. This I see as quite an unlikely event to occur as we, as well as humanity in general, have proved throughout all time that monitoring our own behaviour seems nearly impossible against human nature.

The other solution I could see is to bring back the puffy ack at the fields. We don't see vulching going on in the WW1 arena for this very reason. Yes, I know, that arena is nearly empty most of the time. But when I have seen reasonable numbers in there, there was little to no vulching due to the puffy ack.

Yes I also remember the puffy ack whines. But really was it so much worse than the stale vulchfest gameplay we often see now even during peak hours?

The only way we can make this change is to convince Hitech that we would like puffy ack back on at fields.

We can start to make a difference now by NOT pushing in to the fields unless we want to attempt the capture.

I am sure this will receive a plethora of negative responses from most of us. So be it. But I truly believe the single biggest factor in the gameplay nose dive over the last years is due to the fights being orientated around the bases and not in the no-man's land where the legendary furballs frequently used to and now rarely still do occur.
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Lusche

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 06:04:06 AM »
Yes I also remember the puffy ack whines. But really was it so much worse than the stale vulchfest gameplay we often see now even during peak hours?

Yes.  :)
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Offline Randy1

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 06:39:37 AM »
It is bizarre when the runway vulchers complain about  bombers or heavy fighters come through and takes out the fighter hangers of the reds field where they killing spawn'ers.  As you noted it is equally bizarre the vox complaints  from some of the fighter cap about those that hug the ack.

It is the game part of the simulation showing through.

Offline Tinkles

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2013, 07:04:25 AM »
It is becoming more and more clear to me that the biggest factor in the lack of equal sided furballs is that one side always pushes in to the other's field and then invariably the team on the back foot loses numbers quite fast. Half the fighters may remain for a while defending the vulch but after a short period of getting dogpiled and shot on the runway leaves the defending team down to one or two players while the attackers may have upwards of twenty players fighting each other for the easy scalps.

The disillusioned defenders then move off to another base and start their own vulch fest. So now we have 50 players all avoiding each other and whining about ack hugging and manned ack dweebs.

The old days did not actually have that many more players who 'wanted the good fight' in my view. It was the base puffy ack that held off the attackers from furballing so close to the field unless they really intended to push in for the capture.

At the moment we have land grabbers AND furballers pushing right into the enemy's field and creating poor gameplay in general.

There are two solutions I can see. One of them involves us policing our own behaviour. We could, as furballers and fighter type pilots, hold back and wait for the enemy in the middle ground. This I see as quite an unlikely event to occur as we, as well as humanity in general, have proved throughout all time that monitoring our own behaviour seems nearly impossible against human nature.

The other solution I could see is to bring back the puffy ack at the fields. We don't see vulching going on in the WW1 arena for this very reason. Yes, I know, that arena is nearly empty most of the time. But when I have seen reasonable numbers in there, there was little to no vulching due to the puffy ack.

Yes I also remember the puffy ack whines. But really was it so much worse than the stale vulchfest gameplay we often see now even during peak hours?

The only way we can make this change is to convince Hitech that we would like puffy ack back on at fields.

We can start to make a difference now by NOT pushing in to the fields unless we want to attempt the capture.

I am sure this will receive a plethora of negative responses from most of us. So be it. But I truly believe the single biggest factor in the gameplay nose dive over the last years is due to the fights being orientated around the bases and not in the no-man's land where the legendary furballs frequently used to and now rarely still do occur.

While I agree with what you said. I don't think the system "death star laser" puffy ack would do anything beneficiary for ANY party involved. From the enemies getting gunned down and 'no one getting credit for the kill" to the Friendly coming in to land his perky plane and have the puffy ack hit him (like cv ack).

Right now combat is centralized around a few areas. Bases and towns being #1, no mans land (meet between two bases and fight it out like civilized people) and finally in an extreme distant 3rd, strats and HQ.

Personally, I think we need more areas of combat *cough* like railyards, steelmills factories.. etc.  Not so far out from each other that you get the perk farmers out. But not so close where you can level everything in one pass either.  I think having a system similar to the old system (Where the facilities instead of being singular and spread waaay out, are instead still singular, yet within a sector), with an airfield in the middle of that sector for defense.    Add a gv spawn or two and wala! Combat...

Not fool-proof but right now all the combat is funneled into different areas. Like Bustr has said many times before, many players don't want to take the time and fly out to have combat, they want it in the 'arcade style' of 'insta-gratification'.  So they go to the enemy base to pick 'HO', and even vulch.  Even though it's a sandbox game, it seems we keep getting funneled combat.

While I know 90% fact that this is a PLAYER issue. It's quite hard to argue with someone with the mentality of "it's my 15 dollars and I can play how I see fit".

Not really sure what HTC could do to diversify combat. Instead of the usual Base/Town/Strats routine.



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Offline Zoney

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2013, 09:45:40 AM »
Here is what I see.

As a member of JG11, when we hold squad nights we will roll to the biggest enemy darbar available.  Although we do roll with substantial numbers, (16 last squad night), it is more our teamwork and tactics that beats the enemy down.  We clear the area from the top down with the final result that those that have been killed stop trying to take off from the base we now have capped, do not have the patience to come at us with numbers and teamwork from the nearest base, and the simply roll GV's in large numbers.  The dar bar does not show these GV's so it looks like the numbers have shifted when in actuality they have only "disappeared into GV's.

We aren't interested in taking the base per say, but our numbers and actions many times inspire the base takers to make an effort for the capture.  We then normally land as a group, evaluate the current situation and will roll again to the biggest enemy darbar available, most likely in a different area of the map.
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Offline Golden Dragon

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2013, 10:07:21 AM »
More often than not lately when I answer the call to help at a base being swarmed by the Bishop horde I'll jump in a wirb and position myself in line with a runway and swat down the vultures.  Good fun.  If just several guys/gals did this instead of upping fighters there would be a sort of reverse cap allowing for upping defenders to protect both the field and the town.  Alas, everyone wants to be John Wayne in a fighter in the Knight Kingdom though.  I've saved a great many Knight squadron mates without them being aware of it by knocking down Bishop hoarders diving in for the easy kill.  And I've also met my demise at the hands of many others when I've employed the same tactic during one of our rare base take attempts.
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Offline Slate

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2013, 10:17:57 AM »
   Zoney you and your squad use strategy to counter the enemy's actions.  :aok Too few will do the heavy lifting to prevent their country from getting rolled. Just taking the front line ord down will deter these massive smash and grabs. Along with getting the ord strat % down to increase down time.    
    Perhaps incentives would work without changing much. Most want fighter perks and maybe give significant fighter points for killing ords. Then you would have even the fighter jocks affecting the infrastructure of the enemy instead of just furballing. This too may get some gvs off the ground (we've all heard the whines of pilots lamenting half the players are in GVs) as they may feel they have a better chance in some perk rides.

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Offline waystin2

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2013, 10:25:28 AM »
I understand your point Mechanic, but folks who do not want to directly confront an equal enemy number can find any number of other avoidance strategies to stay away from the other sides horde.  Like JG11 the Pigs are large dar bar hunters.  It is not unusual for us to pummel them off of a friendly field and push them all the way back to their field. Usually they just disappear only to re-up two sectors away where there is little or no resistance.  Adding puffy ack (shivers) to artificially even the odds in these situations is not the best option.
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Offline kappa

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2013, 10:30:17 AM »
dear god man... bat has lost his mind!  someone restrain him quick!

Offline Triton28

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2013, 10:38:31 AM »
dear god man... bat has lost his mind!  someone restrain him quick!


I can see his reasoning though.  Our air battles usually do end up being flying tug-o-war matches, so when one side gets pushed back to a certain point, people start to just find somewhere else to go and the fight dies.  That makes me sad.   :(

What must be addressed before we go any further, is wtf would those poor souls who do nothing but sit in field guns do if we implement this?  Should we allow a machine to take their jerbs?   :uhoh
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Offline R 105

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #10 on: September 26, 2013, 10:59:24 AM »
Yes on the puffy ack at bases or put the 88s in batteries of 3 and make them turn the correct speed our 88s turn way to slow. Go to You Tube and type in 88mm flack gun and you will see more than a few videos of them being turned. There was a two speed gear on them and they turn pretty fast.

Offline mechanic

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2013, 11:14:30 AM »
The main point is not even about the tool shedders. It is about the fighters who only really want to fight but don't seem to realise that if we sat in the middle ground and waited a better fight would ensue. There are still quite a lot of us that only want to dogfight, so why are we doing it in the enemy's base ack when the playing field is 25 miles wide?

kappa :lol
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline dedalos

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2013, 11:19:39 AM »
Here is what I see.

As a member of JG11, when we hold squad nights we will roll to the biggest enemy darbar available.  Although we do roll with substantial numbers, (16 last squad night), it is more our teamwork and tactics that beats the enemy down.  We clear the area from the top down with the final result that those that have been killed stop trying to take off from the base we now have capped, do not have the patience to come at us with numbers and teamwork from the nearest base, and the simply roll GV's in large numbers.  The dar bar does not show these GV's so it looks like the numbers have shifted when in actuality they have only "disappeared into GV's.

We aren't interested in taking the base per say, but our numbers and actions many times inspire the base takers to make an effort for the capture.  We then normally land as a group, evaluate the current situation and will roll again to the biggest enemy darbar available, most likely in a different area of the map.

Silly question, but why cap a base you have no interest in taking?   :confused:
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Offline hammer

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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2013, 11:56:02 AM »
Silly question, but why cap a base you have no interest in taking?   :confused:

We simply stay until it's time to rtb for fuel or ammo. There's rarely another fight close enough to get to on a single sortie. Our next sortie is usually to a different dar-bar.



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Re: Bring Back the Base Puffy Ack
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2013, 12:27:33 PM »
The main point is not even about the tool shedders. It is about the fighters who only really want to fight but don't seem to realise that if we sat in the middle ground and waited a better fight would ensue. There are still quite a lot of us that only want to dogfight, so why are we doing it in the enemy's base ack when the playing field is 25 miles wide?

kappa :lol

One of the problems is that no matter where a good fight develops, somebody will decide that's the place for the next base capture. The first set of buffs heading to the base drags the fight that direction.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if there were a true "furball island" where the bases were not capturable. I'm curious how many people would fight there vs how many would continue capturing bases.



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