Author Topic: Art Contest for October  (Read 118 times)

Offline Dragon Tamer

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Art Contest for October
« on: October 02, 2013, 08:22:45 PM »
Saw something like this on another forum and thought it was pretty cool since a lot of us fancy ourselves as artists. On the other forum though they did this every week with a different theme, I'm going with one theme a month.

It has to be an original art work, if I do an image search on it (and trust me, if it's fishy I will) it better only turn up a result for this forum. Exceptions can be made for image hosting sites if you use them, simply state your username on the site.

This months theme is aviation, anything aviation related. I was going to do something Halloween related but that seemed a bit weenie.

What qualifies as art? Glad you asked!

-Is it a painting? That's art!
-Is it a computer generated image? That's art as well!
-Did you draw the picture using your four year old's crayons? It's still art!
-Did you build a sculpture? Great! Share it!
-Did you find a potato that looks like Abe Lincoln? That's not art, go away!
-Did you take a picture? Pictures are art, throw it up!
-Did you mow a pattern into your front lawn? That's creative, I like it! But sadly not art (unless it's a real wow factor)
-Is it a screen shot from a video game? That's art too!

Is there a prize?

There was supposed to be the worlds ugliest trophy... but sadly I dropped it and put a few dents in it so now it actually looks to good for me to give out. Instead, I think that being able to post in your sig that won the contest is a good reward. That way the contest is more about the fun of making the art than the competition of winning. If you think that's a dumb idea, well then tough toejam.

Are there judges?

Yes, as of right now I am one but I'm trying to get some people who will be impartial for the judging (ie: not from this forum). Judging starts during the last week, and the winner will be announced at the end of that week.

I'll post any changes to the rules as I think they are needed, I feel there may be a few kinks to iron out.