Author Topic: Mossie Achievements  (Read 541 times)

Offline Scherf

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Mossie Achievements
« on: October 05, 2013, 06:36:42 AM »
Had a crack at coming up with some more Mosquito achievements, beyond the ones I've seen, primarily 21 kills in a Mossie (should be the Burbridge / Skelton, pictures of Branse Burbridge and Bill Skelton should be easy enough to come by).

The Rayne Dennis Schulz - three kills of German bombers in a single sortie.

The G.E. Jamieson - four kills of German bombers in a single sortie

The J.W. Allan - four kills of Axis bombers in a single sortie (he was in Sicily, I've seen no combat report but some of his kills may have been Italian bombers).

The Bob Kipp - four Fw 190s shot down in a single sortie (should be a pic of him at the Canadian Aces website)

The Banff Wing - destroy a supply barge with a rocket. The Banff wing went after supply convoys off the coast of Norway, so supply barges seem more appropriate than warships

The Leonard Cheshire - bomb strats with an FB.VI. Technically Cheshire was marking, not bombing, but flak over the Munich rail yards attacked him for 12 minutes uninterrupted, quite an adventure.

LR385 - Land 104 sorties in an FB.VI. LR385 served with 21 and 487 Squadrons, and so far as can be determined was the longest-lived of 2 TAF's Mossies.

The F-bar-Freddie - LR503 flew 213 Mosquito bomber sorties (though the aircraft itself was a B.IX)

The DZ647 - First Mossie to drop a cookie in anger

The Ben Walsh - Claimed to have hit a Ki-43 with a good burst, could not observe results. Either way, the closest an FB.VI came to shooting down a Ki-43

The MM280 - Get a kill in a Mosquito B.XVI. "One sortie is worthy of special mention and occurred on Sep 13th when Charles Butt and his navigator, F/Sgt Richardson, flying a Mosquito on daylight operations was attacked by two ME 109's and one engine put out of action before the enemy aircraft were seen. Several more attacks were made by both 109's but, owing to the excellent directions given by Richardson and Charles' evasive action, no more hits were scored and both 109's, having presumably run out of ammunition, formated on the Mosquito which was still flying on one engine. The Germans indicated to the pilot that he was to make a landing in Germany but a signal was returned telling them to "get stuffed" as Charles was now flying roughly in the direction of home and had about enough petrol to get there. One of the enemy aircraft then decided to go home but the other attempted to force the Mosquito down by making dummy attacks and, during one of these, a collision occurred as a result of which some of the Mosquito's wing tip was lost but the whole of the port wing of the 109 broke off, and he spun to earth completely out of control. The Mosquito, after being fired at by flak in the Rotterdam area, got back to Brussels, where a belly-landing was made in the dusk and both members of the crew escaped unhurt.'

The U976 - First U-boat sunk by Mosquitos, I believe two Mk.XVIIIs flown by Turner and Hilliard. I don't know if the current coad recognises if a U-boat in port gets sunk

The Sid Seid - Sid Seid deserves mention as Dave McIntosh's pilot in the latter's classic war memoir, "Terror in the Starboard Seat." At one point, they strafe a road convoy and one vehicle explodes so violently it is briefly above them. McIntosh says that later in the mess, Seid joked about trying to shoot the jeep down, but saw the driver strap on a parachute and jump. So, a jeep kill in a Mossie FB.VI should be the Sid Seid achievement.

The Wall/Lobban - land a Mossie after it has been damaged by an Me 262.

Have other Mosquito-related achievements, but from "the other side", will post separate threads.

(NB All this is in addition to The Scherf - 5 kills in a single sortie.)
... missions were to be met by the commitment of alerted swarms of fighters, composed of Me 109's and Fw 190's, that were strategically based to protect industrial installations. The inferior capabilities of these fighters against the Mosquitoes made this a hopeless and uneconomical effort. 1.JD KTB

Offline Karnak

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Re: Mossie Achievements
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2013, 10:23:37 AM »
I would like more Mossie achievements.  I don't think all of these make good sense to add, but some of them would be nice.

I endorse, ranked in order of most wanted to least:

The F-bar-Freddie - LR503 flew 213 Mosquito bomber sorties (though the aircraft itself was a B.IX)
The Scherf - 5 kills in a single sortie.
LR385 - Land 104 sorties in an FB.VI. LR385 served with 21 and 487 Squadrons, and so far as can be determined was the longest-lived of 2 TAF's Mossies.
The Bob Kipp - four Fw 190s shot down in a single sortie (should be a pic of him at the Canadian Aces website)
The Sid Seid - Kill a jeep kill in a Mossie FB.VI should be the Sid Seid achievement.
The G.E. Jamieson - four kills of German bombers in a single sortie
The MM280 - Get a kill of an aircraft in a Mosquito B.XVI.
Petals floating by,
      Drift through my woman's hand,
             As she remembers me-