Very helpful input all around. Thank you for offering up your ideas and suggestions.
If testing goes well, then that last piece of a puzzle will be in place for what I'd like to run. If it doesn't hold up, you all have outlined another good direction to go.
Yes, sadly, I agree with the sentiment that longbow is history, and I don't forsee a long running full blown scenario anywhere in the near future. I can see that "style" of event coming forward, a long term progressive type event, but not on the scale of a Longbow scenario.
4 to 6 frames is about as long as people can seem to hang on, but I won't immediately place that on the players attention span, I have to consider the events themselves as not being able to sustain energy and enthusiasm, but we are working on that one

I do know that strong COs are more than capable of handling any battle, any theater, any time period, and would like to discuss some opportunities and ideas with those who might wish to lead the next few events. Let me know, in here, or via pm if you are interested in taking a leadership role.