Author Topic: Better haptics  (Read 4180 times)

Offline hlbly

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Better haptics
« on: October 20, 2013, 10:44:53 PM »
 Would love to see the stall modeled a bit better .Here is a link to a pony in a 1g stall. Notice buffet.

Offline FLS

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2013, 11:40:20 PM »
We used to have haptic feedback for the stall. I don't have a link but I saw a Steve Hinton video where he describes the P-51 stall being preceded by a vibration you could feel in the stick. We used to have that in Aces High. A player named hlbly convinced Pyro we shouldn't have it and it was removed from the FFB.

Good luck with your wish.

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2013, 01:18:14 AM »
I'm confused.  AH still has stall buffet FFB.  My stick vibrates on stalling.  What am I missing?

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2013, 01:23:51 AM »
There used to be a mild vibration concurrent with the stall horn. You could turn the horn down and still feel it in the stick.

Offline nrshida

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2013, 02:45:39 AM »
I am also grateful to hlbly because the vibration was in the wrong place before and now it's in the right place.

I remember him campaigning for this for a long time, presenting evidence and meeting consistent criticism and resistance from one opinionated trainer who was wrong, was shown to be wrong, and who I have observed to be wrong since at least one third of the time. Still, that combination of arrogance and ignorance is a doozy.

+1 for richer haptics in AH.

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Offline hlbly

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2013, 07:46:35 AM »
FLS will you just let it go. The stick vibrating to the stall horn made it harder to feel the edge of the envelope. Buffet is when you should feel the stick buffet. Stall should produce a lessening of return to center . Watch the video . See the slight tremble at the onset of buffet ? See it increase in frequency and duration as video progresses. A major bug was fixed. A design error was corrected . It is better but with some work it could be vastly improved.

Offline hlbly

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2013, 07:49:06 AM »
I'm confused.  AH still has stall buffet FFB.  My stick vibrates on stalling.  What am I missing?
715 it could be vastly better if they would have it be subtle at it's onset . Becoming more violent as the buffet increases. Would make for more immersed play. The way it is now it is either on or off. No shades of gray.

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2013, 10:10:27 AM »
FLS will you just let it go. The stick vibrating to the stall horn made it harder to feel the edge of the envelope. Buffet is when you should feel the stick buffet. Stall should produce a lessening of return to center . Watch the video . See the slight tremble at the onset of buffet ? See it increase in frequency and duration as video progresses. A major bug was fixed. A design error was corrected . It is better but with some work it could be vastly improved.

It wasn't a bug. It was a useful feature. According to Steve Hinton it was exactly what happens in a P-51.

I'll watch the video when you post the link.  :lol

Offline nrshida

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2013, 01:14:53 AM »
It wasn't a bug. It was a useful feature.

Still butt-hurt after a year or more. You just liked it where it was because you like to ride the stall horn and not the buffet and now you can't. But by all means lets have the whole feature revolve around the way YOU like it, even if it was incorrect.

If you weren't so intent on trying to assert your 'superiority' over hlbly then you might get with the programme to wish for richer feedback from HTC and then players could tailor it to their own preferences.

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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2013, 03:03:58 AM »
+1 :bolt:
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Offline hlbly

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #10 on: October 24, 2013, 03:24:00 PM »
It was wrong and counter productive. When you need the most finite amount of control the stick was bucking in your hand. When stall was on and buffet off you had buffet. when stall was off and buffet on nothing. By definition a bug end of story. Why don't you quit fighting with me and work together. You do not know what you are missing.

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #11 on: October 24, 2013, 04:03:48 PM »
It was wrong and counter productive. When you need the most finite amount of control the stick was bucking in your hand. When stall was on and buffet off you had buffet. when stall was off and buffet on nothing. By definition a bug end of story. Why don't you quit fighting with me and work together. You do not know what you are missing.

You are confused. The vibration was before the buffet. Your claim at the time was that the vibration was unrealistic.

Still waiting for the link to the video you mentioned.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 04:08:06 PM by FLS »

Offline hlbly

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2013, 05:39:10 PM »
  If I was suspicious I would say you removed it . I can't find it. Here is one where the pilot is talking about slight vibration then airframe buffet. Perfect explanation of what I and others would like to see.

Here is a better one showing the difference Start at 5:00 minutes . Watch ,listen ,learn. Then if you persist, argue with your own senses. Really FLS do you think you hurt or help ffb in game with your attitude? It reminds me of three year olds playing and no one wants to play one kids game.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 05:48:21 PM by hlbly »

Offline FLS

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #13 on: October 24, 2013, 06:00:16 PM »
 If I was suspicious I would say you removed it . I can't find it. Here is one where the pilot is talking about slight vibration then airframe buffet. Perfect explanation of what I and others would like to see.

Here is a better one showing the difference Start at 5:00 minutes . Watch ,listen ,learn. Then if you persist, argue with your own senses. Really FLS do you think you hurt or help ffb in game with your attitude? It reminds me of three year olds playing and no one wants to play one kids game.

I think I was pretty helpful a couple of weeks ago when I explained to you that we do have accelerated stalls in AH and also explained what an accelerated stall is.

The slight vibration prior to the buffet is what we had. You are asking for the feature that you convinced Pyro to remove to be returned. You are arguing that I'm against the feature that I wanted to keep. I don't see how you could possibly be more wrong than you are.

I'm not surprised that you would think that I could potentially remove a video when I don't know what it's called or where it's posted.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 06:14:45 PM by FLS »

Offline hlbly

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Re: Better haptics
« Reply #14 on: October 25, 2013, 11:36:08 AM »
You did not watch...the whole plane buffeted. I did not convince anyone. Can't remember the name of the guy that did convince them . It was not me.  Anyway this is last response I will make to you. I was right when i first posted about it. I am right now. FFB model could be improved and it would most likely not take much to do it. It just has to quit being looked on as a gimmick. It is all about the advantages we spend our money on. some guys go for big monitors to see easy others the fast PC so they don't have frame rate drops. I chose ffb. i would like to get my bang for my buck. what I am proposing will better the game not harm it. I would love to see them model trim to. that one I am not sure how they would be able to do it.