So you now finally admit that the buffet slider does control the high speed buffet on the older version. That's 2 down, one to go.
Your claim that the buffet slider was previously "fixed" is not believable. It was never broken.
Did you happen to also test the Stall slider to confirm it controls the stall buffet as well as the vibration that was removed?
Edit: I think I got the small jet reference. That's the previous avatar and the motorcycle is the current avatar? The "small jet" is my dad landing his sailplane at Harris Hill. I took the photo, it was printed in Sport Aviation magazine, ironically there was no compensation. The "motorcycle" is his Tiger Moth biplane.
Hey gashole....can you read? Do you know how to click a link ? Last post in this thread from sudz.,247921.msg3042019.html#msg3042019Sudz not good enough ? How about Skuzzy ?,241749.msg2941721.html#msg2941721Do you want to see the PM's from.... Nah I don't want you to see those....might hurt your feelings. Sorry Sudz and Skuzzy will have to do. To bad because I think a lot of people would get as big a chuckle out of it as I do.
Here let me do it for you we know how lazy you are. I post....."Buffet doesn't work in FF .Turn off stall in force feedback . Then try it ."
Sudz reply......"We are aware of this and one other FF bug. Unfortunately, an in-house hardware hiccup caused a delay in addressing either issue. We were, however, able to confirm both as bugs and are on the list to be fixed." Note the word bug not feature . I do not know how to make it more simple .
In thread where skuzzy acknowledges bug ... I post this in reply to someone that insists it is my stick...."actually it is the game . tried 3 different sticks myself before i started asking . no ones stick has buffet . the stall effect starts to jar the stick when u get real close to a stall .but uncheck stall nothing . for anyone ."
Simply put if stall is unchecked there is no buffet at all period for anyone do you understand that? Is it clear to you ? No I doubt it. So here it is just for you.
From Skuzzy .........."The 'buffet' feature in the force feedback is not working at the moment." I even gave you links . Wish I could share the PM's with you but they are a bit harsh about someone taking part in this thread. No I really do wish I could !

Still no answer to my my .....the saying bullies are really cowards is true I guess.